Mbdical CommkncemiSNT. The exercises attending the Commencement of the Medical Department of the University of Vermont. OC-enrred Tuesday evening. The address to the class was delivered by Prof. H. M. Seeley, on the subject " The economy and beneficence of Death." President Torrey presided and con. ferred the degrees with some appropriate remarks to the class. The graduating class numbered twenty-thfee" Below are the name of the graduating class : Buel Smith Bigelow, A. B.. Vermont. , jCorneliua Harden Buck, Missouri, Intermit tent Fever,... ? - - Cornelius Augustus Chapin, A. B., Vermont, PerrodiCaiFever.' Lucius W ards worth .Clarke, Connecticut, Diabetis.. -A ,"t; :'' -f i J f Benjamio.Cobuxn, New. Brunswick Materia Medica. .. - , .. , -,- Dan L.t!. Cblburn, Vermont, Etiology. Thomas R. Clement, N. H., Ventilation. v Charles Carey, C. E., Scarlatina. ' : Francis D. Edgerton, A.B., Conn.j Tobacco. '- "Wales -Howard ' Ellis, ' Vermont, Inguinal Hernia; 1 t! ' n . '-w 2; iv' ..;- ' Henry Herr Hartzell, Penn.,1 Erysipelas f" ' Hill Jarvis Kimball, N. H., Gun Shot Wounds. : '. ' 1 ' ":" ' ' - John Turman Parker, N. Y., Diphtheria. " '' Joseph1 Addison Jackson, C. E., Vascular System. r-i;, Edwin Clement Spaulding. Vt. Oxygen as a Remedy. ' ' ' Noah Tittemore, C. E.', Circulation of the Blood. v-': , .v. .!'-.; -,..-, '-.. ,rX Ferdinand Pasco, N. Y. Pneumonia. : Ohasi Petit Pitcher, C. W.;' Tuberculosis. ' 'Daniel Fosburgh, N. Y. ! - r Thos. F. Edgerton, Vi Peripneumonia", i;-': Henry Christopher Wilson, Mass., Ovulation. - ! i v Joseph H. Wilson, Penn., Coxalgia.' -'J Frank P. Jones, N. Y. ;