TO THS PUBLIC.'" By tho above anaoancemeDl It win :be perceived that cbaego has been made In tbe proprfetornhlp of the Cum-"erwil AdterUmr. UereaOer the l1lre busmesi of newv papor pabflsnlng, prtntmg, stereotypftig, dealing in jia per, Ae WW becondactcd by the nderlciied under tli Jaine of Taoaua LATaaors. Thl change In proprietor ship, however, will canae no change in the general our oftbepaper. Cnder the editorial charge ot Mr. T. N. Par-areiaa, tt will, politically, continue to advocate conferva ClTo-naUenal whig prtnrlplei, and oppese faiiaUclm aixl socUonauam wherever exhibited. It will, also, enjoy tti-benoflt oftbooxperleoce and counsel otie late proprietor, who will not ceaae to take an active Interest In the nuc-ev-ofacanse with which they have been long Identified & r. 8. THOMAS S. U. LATH HOP flalo. Oct. 1, 1854. J; U. LATUAOP.