n i au.'u- w hUh in its twenty-five years of ' cvislenoe las npvrr becn troubled by ai;y-;t Com-; com- a THE LITTLE ROW IN ' JACK'S.' The Mayor's hand litis fallen heavily laud we believe unjustly, upon a place (Hul-umi. t i.im , ntijusti.i, oiiutt im I of , ,-licer opposite the Hippodrome, I . . ..,...,.....,1 iiuiu.m. iu ,v..ov... ., ln-:any prei.cdins administration, ".lack's" oninot. In this resnpet that its recu- . .. .,,...,.., ,ar pinions never tiiiuii ui utti time u got a bite or" to sup a mug of ale or a magnum -of champagne until mid- nigi,t. Krom then on until say in; ... , .v. I U1P morning me propneuu reaps a golden harvest. Ali sons and eondi- ;,ioI,s niak ,, these niht rails, from the country cousins who attend the UMi.inrrtnin tr. tho rOlim alalia rf arrvi- -..... .t. j, .... t..i. en Tnrisi -w-n-n Turin lie .-iiiiiuiv ,-iun ' .-.. - ---- which used to meet nightly under the great painting of "Old King Cole," which hangs over the resplendent bar of a famous hotel on the corner of Broadway and Forty-second street. But the proprietors and waiters tremble when the college youths enter tho sacred portals. College youths are prone, as every one knows, to feel their oats especially around 15 o'clock In the morning, and after a few beakers of white rock, "Jack" found It necessary, in the Interest of the peace and good order of his establishment he Is a stickler for the proprieties to institute what Ib known on the asphalt of Broadway as the "Order of the Flying Wedge." It appears from the report submitted to the Mayor that one evening this week, when the clock In the tower of the Metropolitan Building told the wayfarer that it was past 3 a. m "Jack" found it necessary to call the "flying wedge" into action, as a party of college boys had got beyond bounds. In the ensuing fracas, wholly on "Jack's" part a labor of good citizenship, "mamma's boys" got the worst of it. Instead of taking a deserved licking like men, they went home squealing like so many little pigs, and the next thing you know a complaint was lodged with the Mayor, and the proud boast of Squire Dunstan, that bis place has never closed since the day it opened, was put in camphor. Imagine tho students of the Latin Quarter, if you can, after a fine old row In a Montmartre night restaurant, carrying their grievances to the Mayor. It makes us ashamed of cv" cftcmlnlzcd college youth. i 1 : t