ROUND THE TE SQUARE NOSTALGIC NEWS: We have the industrial edition of The Bradford Post, published in 1896, which gives a cross : section of the city's commercia!, cultural and political life: as the 19th century was bowing out. The section me have is Part Three and is loaded with feature stories stores and industries and commercial and civic leaders. De SOM remember? A. Burns plumbing shop, Sloan and Ervin's furniture store, Nusbaum and Steinberger block, Thempson and Wood's wholesale drug ware store, Brennan and Davis' grocery store, J. B. Fox's 1 hardstationery store, the Heard and establishment, Smith Brothers Baker laundry, James F. Dailey plumbing shop, Loveless and Schiene's grocery store, United Pipe Lines building, St. James Hotel. First National Bank, Commercial National Bank. A. Mayer and Co. liquor store. P. L. Lowenthal's jewelry store, J. B. AL den's clothing store, Chambers St. bowling alleys, Sam Stoffer's blacksmith shop, Corry House. These were a few of the former thriving businesses in Bradford that are today merely a record on a torn, old newspaper, yellow with age. Among the businesses mentioned in the paper that are still going strong are A. Miller & Son lumber Co.. Boraird & Seyfang's, Bradford| National Bank and Greenewald's.