A dinosaur 'Bambi' THE LAND BEFORE TIME - Animated feature produced and directed by Don Bluth. Screenplay by Stu Krieger from a story by Judy Freudberg and Tony Geiss. With the voices of Fred Gwynne, Helen Shaver, Gabriel Damon, Candice Houston, Burke Barnes, Pat Hingle, Judith Barsi and Will Ryan. At the Copley Place and suburbs, rated G, with a short, "Family Dog.' By Jay Carr Globe Staff Animation, the movies' Fabulous Invalid, gets a real boost from "The Land Before Time." It's a dinosaur "Bambi." about a baby brontosaurus named Littlefoot who loses his mother but makes new friends as he trudges toward greener pastures as the earth turns arid and eruptive. The dinosaur's situation can also be read as a metaphor for full-length animation itself. The new film's creator, Disney-trained Don Bluth, had to move his studio to Ireland to make the project work economically. But work it does. It's the kind of film to which parents "LAND." Page 30