Teletype!1 briefs-H'" I GUnd, Wyo., Aug. 20, ,-? Bodlea or three Indianapolis residents Kill- ed when their private plane crashed against the side or the Laramie Peak, tO miles from here, were found! beside the wreckage of the ship by1 members of a searching party Tues- day morning. THIRD PABTV TO MEET St Paul, Aug 20 A national convention of third party advocates, Howard Y Williams announced Tues- day, probably will be held in 1936 at which time a national ticket wlU be selected and a platform drafted ! 1 Washington Rep. Lemke, iRep., N. .) Monday night forecast passage of the Frazler-Lemke farm credit with little opposi-: RESORT BANS JEWS rlln. Jews ln Garmlsch-Parten- kirchen, International resort and cen- 3f next vear's winter Olympic : games, found themselves barred from public parks Tuesday.