, , WASHINGTON. March 31Con-- zressional leaders havej5een read-leg the,White House news in the rapers with ccncern latelyparticularly those Items about prospects of an anti-monopoly !message. They thought they had an Unde,r? istandirtg that MI R was not gding to submit anything more to this ression of 'Congress. That word - Ytad been passed around both Houses by them, - ,- They-still thinko, but they noticed. two goverp, ment Officials trooped out of the Executive man-son On4 day this week . announcing ttey had, discussed monopolies. Then ,the fresident himself let out - the word through hi press conferi,,,nce sounding system that the message 'might bo coming along( in--a --couple of weeks. - -- The- leaders are Inclined to ble,7 r eve,. their ears rather than their eye7s. However, more than one breath Is ;being held during' this treat1111g spell, 1 - , - Informed, top judgment Is Hitler will sequir9 three years to establish his control over Austria se curely. ..Thenl will come Cz,ectio- slovakia., , This -unseemly length- of time 'estimated complete a job which , already appears to be half-done is based on undercurrents of religious bitterness in both Germany and 'Austria. Hitler has cotiquered all factions except Christian and Jew-, Ash Church groups. Suly-sUrface fervor of these in Austria will cer' tainly, hat him back, even If he moderates his anti-church cam., paignss as now' aeems likely. , You may look 'for further Berlin, y steps designed to calm anti-Nazi opinion in the U. S. The New York mpy case and the memi-olEciat flavor of the proposed Senatorial tnvestigation of Nazi activities have aroused the German Government to its American problem. (Hitler - well knows this government might bava stopped the Copeland investigation, might have hushed up the . , spy case, First step in Nazi mending Of American fences was the quiet call of the German Ambassador to the State Department, the other - day to announce theGerman government had instrated terman citizens residing in the U. S. not to participate in the Nazi propaganda organization here. Inasna)th as -II-Mier criticizes Russia for such in, ternal interference, this step was unavoidable. There will;be others. I , - - The Goering announcement ihat his air ,corps is "tingling" for actat vi as Interpreted here as diplomatic-swörd b r a ndi is g. Goering's-1 air .corps is considered good but not good enough ld'r the kind of action he w ould get from Russia. kranee. and England. , Studied belief here is no general war , is likely anytime soon (year two.) What is looked tor next is a pew.era of restored peace confidence I fn Europe under , British é.w,:..:1.3.t1-.Iiiid,-.,:-- .th- By rAUL 3fALLON r-! WAS. HINGTON, March 37--Cont auspicet It may last aiar, Pr all iressionsl lestteffs bave.beel rtad- , t auspicet It may last aliar pr' 01.. I . i , fress comment., private!Y rp esse . exl d here, apProved unreserve l di. , . - - ly the- new Presidential, Iplat-l .ft publication of his press Copf4.rencl utterances. Presidential p.less Seci., retary Early's announceme that the rnaterili 11 not . b4Kiik.1 iscil.) ' directly but thrown In ss-ii.tili is&it 1 of notes, .the funds of whir'.h Are 'tfo 1 w io to a goverrarient putl-f.ps4; Anil sers füliy the previous pt.',.tior , of nes-rrien. , , I,. 1 1.4f, ' :, 1 . ., :- Ilidden . temper of dotli&i,,t Its hinted in the fact ' that taruchs testimony lamenttnOsotr4 Zlew Deal business' pollileg. wall printed in the;Congressionq Ft'eco.ril , by unanimóus consent C i oil botti liouses. That has never 13eit dOnit before... .., . . ii I -;; ,L; I: While Baruch has a4i oltsid,t reputation as - a Wall' !(,ttit-,etet; Congrth essen know he lit altlinort he says before he ,sraitai , - - . - 1.14.Ar )' li stance he claimd uit. ,11,. 11 ' e' $1.50! slr, i'ip 1 Cincinnati contains 31 cents; ;)f; 11- direct tax- cost art4 he Js 'stibirtitting results , of his .inve5ti4a1oW, -:tro prove it. '' ' - 'I, : f, '4, '''''''';1 This is why Baruch la conSideekld smarter than most of the; Otilers l'ti the street. - - : ' I if.'i i , "4- !!. ' , - -,-2-':;J',,.'-f',.1- Incidentally he -furnished signii14-; cant :advice on 'the stock bilarlolit when he said:-: My e:pqlent, shows the public alkays loies, Tli,e, publit buys in eras of :Cgrilldene and sells in eras of deprerfkin."'". 1 inside Soviet ' condit$ri 2 ate, Judgedliere to be deepl'irrisktle0, -solely cri the basis: that'. plilin )9 .stagirig another one Of :thOset.nalO :spy-plot demonstration trtal4 .: I4- formed authorities- bave:, ;c13'ine.-: to 1-regard these dictatorial 44riciiitrii, lions , as unfailing , inclicatiOns 4f trouble' underneath. '1,51tfefylants , this time, as usual, art Vottraltdts 1 , in the American, sense any more Mote , than the-trial is a trial In ariY;s en4, . I They are merely, anti-Stair il hung up as G.,P. U. exhibits tti ,frighten others. , I-1 ;'-$ 1 :. :- ' ,!4 ! ft, .- I , Upon a Senator's door the-ottir day Was posted the urnal juncli-, ' time sign:. "At lunch.' Wjil returIn ' at:130." But scrawled '1;taiderreath , in pencil was: "It's a gyp' toy,' Vie , taxpayers. We don't elece yOu Or: that purpose. (Signed) A, CUnsW uent.", ':It was a prank:-:. but tile 1 Senator clid not s,ee the i. flurn4r of it, I Said he woefully:: rSorne . peopleltvexpect a lot these! da-s." ., 1 , ! ,. !..; ;,J, ., 176i i ' I never' get any'one iri.the, navy to 'Verify it, but an :elt4ellent, insurance authority ' says:' Navy Secretary Swanson recetitlyi:disco-, rd som:e' re-insurance ' ea .sk U. p:, ship 'under construction li ii this Country was bel(1-7--Mr.",Intpley! Id I the contrary notwithstaidirlg-.7by, a Tokyo insurance Bri!': ISpJinie was lost canceling that 'piei. While Baruch has a4i 4311414 reputation as a Wall 1(,ttit.,EAe, Congressrhn know he ii: artnor than, that. Their realizelle!trnalp c tains a private organizatlInii!oitir vestigate economic taits ':1,! fpromr-irAl- Johnson was once in it) arnol h4 getti- rally is in a position to pfri.,1,914 1 -:fsupposed7,t , I , ' , IN - , , c'essional irg the,V rtpers v,-, ticularly - pects of a They thol istandirtg I submil session o' had beet Fouses Pt: They -st Cced. tv, trooped o on On4 - ittey Then ,the '- the word ence soun sage migl -couple of ' The- lea E4C7p. Hi brela th ts treathi-ng Inform requ lish his I curely. Slovakia-, This -I, 'estimated , already a based on ,, bitterness 'Austria.; factions e Ash Chun fervor of tainly, ho rnoderatom raignss You ritq ' -steps des opinion ir Ppy case 4 of the pr I gation c aroused to its An - well kno bava stop gation. IT spy cased First s American Fall of th the Stato day to az ernment citizens r4 participal organizAt -i Hitler cri ternal in unavoidai There--' - The Gc his air kc, vk a , Goering's good but kind of Russia. stuctiee war fa 1 or two.) ' is a new. Menet, I , , - ------AT----:"i ' r- li, 1 il' i i il - iv ' t . News Behind the llei -s- 11- ., t, , 1 .4 --------,,------,---------,------.. . ..4r:-. By PAUL 3fALLON - 41 ! 4' ' i Vi 1 -1 4,r'iI':: i,,,- 41 ..il.tsq ttEAO, ;. i(4alt!1;00,,:r .. ', ,11e,,!!'roI.p i. tlqniito'i:A. 1:, i tilt 1