- c r ( 1 ' 1 11 AMERICAN HIT IN FACE FOR NOT SALUTING NAZIS BERLIN,1 Oct 10 (JP).--An American business man, Roland Ve lz, a native of Meriden. Conn., and described -as of Frankfort, N. Y, was struck twice in the face by storm 'troopers - because he did not salute a Nazi procession, be reported today. 1 The incident occurred in Dusseldorf on Sunday while he was walking with Mrs. Ile lz in a street. He notified George S. Messerstnith, American Consul General here, who complained to police autborities and both the Reich and Prussian Minis ters of the Interior. 1ERIDENo Conn.. Oct. 10 (M.-- Rol& Ve lz who reported in Berlin that he was struck because be did not salute a procession of Nazi storm, troopers, is a son of Mrs. Mini A. Veyz of Meriden. His wife is a native of Frankfort, N. Y. Members of the Velz family said he went to Dusseldorf. Germany, six years ago as an executive of the F. W. Woolworth Company, to open stores throughout , Germany.