I S. - PrIZ bonfres ltted in Cermany. J. by the Nazis bave 'not, of course, destroyed all the books' that Oti..,pleaFe the Mianister of Proraganda arid Public Ipnli;latgr.::-..cnt. They have merely ckstroyed a few samples of those books. The in- t tention of the prinng press has made it foreser imposible that any golernment. no matter how thoroughgoing. or that any new barbarian inva.slort, however destructave, alaould a,ain cglairpa:e any part of ihtcl.ectual heratalte. of mar.'Land. There is no 1r any dan--a-er that the body of learraarg wi:1 be mu7-a1ated as so much of the learning of the ancient wort has becn, throu11 fares and earthquakes and care:eraess and fanauc zeal. of each work too many corics exit-. and they Are too widely dis:ras,ated. The bonfires are. as the Nazz have carefully informed the World. meant to be symiaohc. Ni one wal doubt it. They are indeed tahly synabol..:. They symboal:ze the moral and Intellectual character of the Na;,ii re7,ime. For these ton-fares are not the work of Echoo:- boys or tnetra but oat' the prezent, German GoNernment acting Ult.-onh its !.,tinaster of Propagands and Platlic Eral:;htenment. - And Nk-hat is it tatty Eyrn1:0oLze? Nothing less than the eon?: v:ction of the present r.rs of Germany that vio:ence ts the tneans .ty hich hurnan prot:ems Its, :' '.,, '' ' '' -' ' ''''''' ' , 1 - ,-, I ) ! , ,) .,, ,.-,, taa-',... 1, ' ' , -. , , ' ,' .' a. , , ,, . ', ,' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' . - I Today and icmorrovi 6 y Via !lc! Lippm...nn EL:rizEng cl 0:e E301,:3 ( .-." ---: ,. : I . : . at,:e to see :the, Is the darzer. tO put it -p.1.-.-,7.1y. under the infludence or mob feei.O.:77,, and the fumes or threir owri rtittoric, .they will go read :,ar.,d1- atta1: someone- who 17,as the ' polier to - eti".e tack.. - - . . 1:3W great this darz--,tr is no one - can t-e certain, for ncy one c-an quite certain as to just. hc-w far 1-,,yteria 'au:1 run.- The hope , tt not run, ,to the point, or ' ex;,Th.frion On the. front.ers scex, to rest on two t. , strert,7-1h c.r tolie Isrench arrny z the pensecicon or the Jcw5.. Fren:h army-will. tar tinie those in C,irri ho have riot taken coni;ie of their senses. Ti e -p-,Eri-,eclo,t.L'tn of the Jews, by,satifying the of the Nazis aino-feel they s-omet-ody. anj tlie c , thotie ,Nazios who, war:t is a ,' kind ,ot 14,--htniroz rod , which tects Europ-e.-- It mar strve as a temporary substitute ofc,r the ous victories over S.U. Of 04?.rn,:,: y's, lot's that Il'err ha$ lollowers, , - 1:r.irlen.'l ,hith171.1corY,..,7f;Dircueoxusarnz:2,,;:ael-itte-.-7.a.itt:Iac:.cmtnee31n-ettahertlac;n-t,:,tterr3i; :t: m:t be :a bock like Eric Lria Ilemarque's are ptz:-.1--,7, the-youth of Get -, Quiet on the Wes:ern Front"?' trid:r miutary dist-411:hr. at.; 1. bock has rio-,.hin.; to do with tuey are seclirz ta 'Cc .,:nuni.m. or the Treaty or Ver- traces of the wi'.; to peace. 7.-1, or the Welmar Republic or thaill war may he averted f::-r the Jel-s. It. is ainoveI which deals t:me, there can te no reice !n t-,e pitlable sacce cr man- op,e. there can be no se,r,se of seeu-- 1..-1,1 :;41 war. It is thrown to the ity, there ran be no rrozrel,s tar-es, in the rres,enee of the M1n- d'sarmament. Inevttal2ly. 1.-t:T of Propaganda and 'Public En- ever may te said at C,'reva or 11-,terinient as symbolic of the elsewhere, the iiOt1OrtS of :awalientri4" of Germany, Await- wi:1 be strer71:-..crunit entnar to what? Is it to peace. and to ments and tifhtZralt-3 7.r al. :conciliation. and the mattin3 of a 1:AnCeSt more Just and orderly Ettrope, or And so. only a cl-ar-:e er rt :is it to the cony-lc:ion that the and mind with1:1 Gen-nary , Nazi purpc,ses must be achieved by st3re a ser-Fe et peace I.) nre and s'Aord? , - The 10;c of, the prc-ont 111! Ort:1101:3 Symbm of thes-e lead only to war. Ch that there is a govern- tie baz,e t 1c et' a mcnt in Gt,,rrnany vitich means to or heart.? I da not 1- -3 teach its people. that their salva- it te that an econc...tc t- - tiin hes in violence. What elsce in the world vc.2.1 Ilft C.- ;I.,: c can the cived world ,make of of the riras of its O. 7- z - I these to -ez's 1i t'r:e re:tor'e to te G---r-t,1 , t 7 burned enty the ta-lis cr tl'e Cr- raiila tt-le of 't rnan or -C,-.4,r,r1:-11,-.1 are o" t) 1.1 t. : s bocl-,s, the world say it is riti7-ut hz.7:---1. I r I C wItne,ed an in a civil var. has 1,-. - they turned only books ec tlte arA ; Jews,--the voila nif,;:ht say that tte 1.:a of c.- Nz:s vere rersecutin; the Ger-, tion, Thcse who hive man Jews. Lut when, they mal,ie Gernlao peC. hrte s 1 sl:-ecial pay, with ct,Drate, tave ''t - and unf-isr e a anction, cr ti:e:n. have t. i- :1 burnincc I e t. , ts.iat the str--1 the rfrf',:--:.:1 ç tf 7 '-'' roai . to r,,,,irc:-.ean peace. Lte con- tnar-t-IP. have ,1 r cluL4on ta t-iieSalsatl however es't--) rer.-ect f.)r r dreadl it ti-ay te to conter..:7,-late and their hi:. '.7 1 t thiit tl r n d have t-o 171-?-ve tt-11 t " t r-,:-an to turn the tL477..t.,:i tat-7-e ' '-'' Tr t' v of t! C,7rntan Af--1 e r:r var. they ai-e tt-e. - 6 r..,71-, of v , - That the - situat.lcn 13 charged w-1 danzer is clear. even if one belleves, as I arn - ful enou;11 belteve. that. : natlonal war is not imminent, fact has to be raced tha:, Y rs Germany is pre;.,-artn'g for the r:;ttn-e. 1..Tow Vast war to prevented is the problem t1-.at - fronts the world. The French -1 the rcles know that the Na:-. tend to re:neve:the lczt tern : that: they mean to rtarmt are the, youth cr a:: 1 tIley are secItirz to extit-:,e ttraces of t,he w-1': to peacz. to;th war may be averted f.'r t:tne, there caii te no peice !n epe, there eau be no se,nse of ity there ran be no prezre-,,s 171. d'sarmamenn Inevv, . ever may te said at C.,,'reta or elsewhere, the nattanS et wi:1 be strer-,711-..c,r,:r.7 thct..r sr7--,,aments and tl-Lht:!nn-'? u.') -,r 11ances. And so, anly a char cf 1, .-.rt and mind wIthnn Gen-nary c, s'..ore a sense et pe ace la The 10';',c ct . the prer-ent ; 07,y to war.. Ca ene base t,1;e hc,-,,,e of s'7..-.11 a c T. of heart? I do not 1",-,e--7 1- It te that an r : '-y In the world 1i. t C c t of the rnora:s cf i:s re:tore to the G t 7 i:1 the cr , are crr ta s 1. I r I , has 4-:,..rr.21 1,-. zt Li the and . 1.fe of c tn Those who 1-,11,t, 1..: t. German pecTlz, li , ' .1 amc,r; thca, :have! v : - them. have r--.1-1c1 and the perf:3 L' 7 marh:p, have ,1 r reCet .1,)r :, r km,...,:zess and their hn ': t have to It:',.eve tL t t tt-;71-.,c1:-:e 1.1 e - tot i 7,,-oo.:'.,7 71 z,:, rj,- t , z r 'nat I'z1- e ,--,7 e-,--:,,re, ar - eltd-1 , , ,, . - z.,--1. et e- rco. N1,11 pet r--..---,, -,, R 7 ,Irc ' ,.---eTri IltRr , Ir -- (..,,,--1z--1,1-,y IN r: :-:1 t2z:e r 'r 1-,'--'22e We l':',3Y N' 7 Fr --,: -.)' e-z, tz,.-,-t, 1- ,,i-. I : 7 1! TA :,11 tc,,,'N, .-'. A IT :r I ,e. , . ty t - c t-,..- t c' ---- c cr t -' ' 11----'7. 17,..3 nt---,- 1; 7-1 1, :"A f r '-- ',-- - --1, f ) ,','- ' '---- ' ''. ' i , P ', V, ' , 5-,-t C , t" ez----, .-t I 1 r !,' z:---- ,:"1, 7 ,.? ,..: s 1 ,.. ,, A , -1-, .1. t' ,-, C , T : i --. 7 - , ,,,,- i, , ,I I E-, , , ' 1 c-.. ,,,,,r t- ,, , , 4 , II I t - ,.., - ( , , , -' , ' - a -I - s - ' - . s L' az-- t t f z' I:- .,1, I! ts r,..:,s 1 ,.. ... 7., ' 1,: 5; t- ('..'- ,,,' 1 : ' ' ,". ,: t !:, c , -,,. :: i -:,-- 1 t-, 1.,,- , , , : 1 , E, -.! f: c 1 e .- s,,sr t',- Is ,, z ; , ) , 1 -1, , 1,, i 1 ,, -, 11- ' , , - '- : , : , , , . , It -, ts -:, (,'' . ') : : a -.:' , : , , I T ,s: I : .0, 'i : s 0 t , , . , f - ... 7 t , ' i 1 ., , . : t .7 7. t ,, , , ' - 7 7