-----, :----: ..--.-: if fr, (1770,,r7Tr7r, ,,,,, T ,.N. , 1 - ;: -,.., 1 I i . i ,,.. t , , L.Lif. .;.i.,,.......ii..d i , ,.. , 1- ,71 0 T.7,: e7rr '177(1 I -, ,, .,,., ,-i i I- ' ii Lt. ''..ti'' 1.,;, '' ' t a t - .i. i At ' ,lia.A i,4. , '' i '-' I . r:ax Loc!:s 1 t 1 t I - m-Nun - , tozt kr CLanze To i 0 ,,,, 1 '-ne-ZII:1 n17"' 11, ,,,,, 0 Nr.,v 101-1, A-,rt111,5 cP---r:at . , SChel."11'..ng IS 10-.C1:irs.-T .'.-.,t; ..-....3 T, .:7-..:1, 1 C:','" -v-; rnatch .wi:h Max Lr to 1 :f '-'.7.;.oc.r..t1-1-e -,,-::;a3c(11-71-neeldSer2;:h.,:e'n,-3.9111,-eril'':'tc'hr3:-nl:'177 ' . i Tte German ' p-,tnel..er tirka S',-.'arkr.y IS a v!..rtual tel-ty.,1-.---- ta . Primo Garnera a;a:za and if he does., -S,11-Irneling, i& reac!.v and anxious for, anottcr erae,t at, tne Eck,,:csn. tar., Sc--e:In; ' apr.arer.:y tr. great . ,cr,:f-,:!-,r1 and t-z. Vra bfa:-..1 At , 1-.,s t1-1-zt flzr-,'-r, wet;:-.t. ::-.,) pr.,-,;-,..2..J. - declined to -venture an7 p:,.'d-c1,--1 , as the outconle of h,:s n1.3. '34.. :1 ";-t- A . iraer at tte Yankee E....,3,C12::1 J.,:-ne I El tizd,c,r Jack. De5"-s pro:no1 torial tanner., , 1 Sz'i,rne1,..r.T tow Is at o3 IN-',.!,.1 11d.son Eare Gar--if:n It!.:.:'7,. '.3 pro7r,,-,Iting i t,':e Carnera--,-,1,17 h'd 1 scmeziart;:rn.t.1,;-.17,r; a-'2.9 tzu...,..tasr;::;s7 r,:zi,:,,:.1.1.7...7,-;.:, e l no h;,-zItancy elout aln.g vt.',;',7,-.:14e Rarts of peace In ivere brt ty llax and he sail cllancer Biter , plats to r..-,a1-.: boxing conl;',',ulsory in te- r...1::,Dn's ,c.'.rioola and to;.',eges.. : ,. "Sport," said Schme:In7, "is .!n ternationat. It tas Lo:hing to C. 3 WI.-11 po:it:,es races, cree-fs- I no cruelties against Jews f.n C,r-, many My country neve:, was rnre 'quiet and ,peacefut Mazy of ..r,y nebors are Jews and my rr.ari- azer, Joe Jacobs. ts a:Jew. TI:,,,:,re is no quest:on between s.:i,--r,', TInd a -naticilal prob:ern., - AK l'