, 1 1 Jack Sharkey says that Win : e.gure, in ionly one fight-,this year and it will. be selth PrimO Corners. That , but would be , &II : right', as: part of a !pro;Pram but unless Shot-- key meets Sehmeling this Veer the prtmotera sill pass co a chance for a go0dxote. It !is all ,right to talk or a Sehmeling-Beer go' end -,it mit-ht prove interesting"-, but the Sharkey-Schmeling tilt,lis ft. natu-. ral.. ' .1 - ; : ' -: -2 11 ' 1' ' -,1 --.1.- -4 1: -- 4 ,, - Martin in Drew Ce '1' ,:: I s . , , .--- Frankle Martin of thols city and Battling Harper figured4n -a Six-round Craw go a few -nights ago at Bennington. In. i Nick Pinone of Nbrth Adams. formerly of this elti. lost, on & teellrutta K.:, O. to 173-ung tlary1ond11 of Bost n ....in the"Ailftli round of & scliedu ed sit-round go. A cut or the e, e .131 the second re;aul--bothered, Nick considerably.1 Those things ars inclined to be disconcerting. -.Young Bard of Aciama knocked -tout . Young ..',Peppitt: Of Clarenton . N. IL. in ' thee SOUrth i - , round. : 1' 4: ' ' ;.: ,.. ,-, : ' .:,.., .1' i ,, , : , . Av'a 1 ', '..1 -,-.:.,..1. ... f Betting in New. Hampshire '.! -1 1- With; pari-mutuel .""lbettlig made , legal 'In -14ew ',Hampshire the Grand , -1 , - I:Circuit ineet at Rockingham Park. '.Salem,- July 31 to Aim.- 12.-- should be one of the biggest and busiest in the histry of the place. One of the most ansOltious harness racing programs fort any place in the -United Btsltes has been arranged as there will be 23 .rake etenfris 'w1tlx.5C5 trotters Srld'pacerts 'entered. ",-.,-,i --, 1- Among I the -outstanding !events will be the Inaugural Arre'ri,can,&ndNatA,ormf :stakes No. , trotted tor three-year-olds under this-suspires of the t- -Trotting I 11 se ;-: ' c!ut) a c: America. I All 11 stars of the Ham. bletonlan; list ' are- eariong the 41 trotters w hich have been entered: ,, Amorg ot..heit well-known harness horses scheduied to perform at Rockingham Park ' are Ankabar 2:01 ,-and Zombro Hanover- 2:00, respective' winners - of the $10.0O3 Marshall ',House and SIO.000. parker House Stakes raced last year: Me I Win. -1:59. ehampion three-year-old pioer, &rid Byevere 2:03. i the Only horse to defeat The ;March!- ' oness,, Ilan.1-,leton1an Stake 'winner ,in 1,5.;12. '.1 ,-- - 1 ' . '1 , - - " ' "-There IS to truth tO the report that- Prerzlier Mussolini i of Italy owns The Iklarchionese., 1:33. The 'great yomig trotter, by the wriY, la not, racing at pre,sent, tees-Use' of 1amenet.s.1 :1 f -... . '. One 'or, Aubrey - Itodney's ptcills at the B..-,,T1r....Tileld track is & handsome two-year-old by The Laurel 'ICI. 2:0C's, out of IdIyrik ILtrvester. 2:09-, bred . and owned by A. B. Pratt et ;Great Barrington.: t , -1 ' ,Lagles vs. Elmvsles - If-I 'That there is considmhle rivalry , between the Ilaglts --and ,Ltio Elm-I vales,' players and spectaters &like. was demonstrated ,at, . the Boys' lClub Saturday, evening in the first Igame of t.ile series. It was & mighty close game and: not unta the lost two tvnutes of play dld the Bagica I take the :lead s hien, they held to the l'Ir.ish., The eecond. game' of the aere S at; beplaYed at Laglee Hail tonht at 8-39 o'clock-and another intergstirig game is ernected. The eluhe are so sell matched that alt,hough i the Eagles sill have ;t-Nle advantage cif bemg on their own toor anythigg is Liable to happen. ' Theze is no ithert,se,e of ba.tIeb! baIl Irt l'.1:-5-ftfo.d this week as the tterni-Ilna:s tf the county cliampiongo tourney will be played here 1kay n'.ght and the trials Elaturdlyint., At: first it sus ,planned to put on the semi-final.; .1m North. Adatns and - the tr.as here. The heavy expense of using the Arthsiry In No,rth Adams sas one factor In deciding' to stage all gorne,s here. as was the.rnatten:of tranvert.tion. with Lf1102C, two teams from Pittield arid one from NOrto BerkAhlre 1:x the, selni-finate there would be a mitumlint ef travel by bityll, g L.1 ) 4, omcs here. On the other hand North ,kdates has supported ar1Lttl7ur titv,kettall la good shape all sint4r hile 1itt2uleld has supported oti'-v 1.1.-11 school estnes, the cry tiurna:.4 iit and - turned out a L-.-r -,s:zo ci crowd for the Iln,t rnr.Ttst cr the st-ries between the E,qts E.- 1 Le Eh-rho:es. s:on to V-,r! cl'y tourgarncr.t sas oril--7 15 e , ';. v,1-.:2,-.- :5 ert---1,s1l1 be 'the r:: IA- 1,-.1.e Cy Lt-,Tue P:A.-ic.1 L-h-,,,--1. , , t t : 1 tr, and 4,raer an 1 Amertean-OermanJew. ., . As a mark ot respect to Ilitler, ail : the , Jewish people ,tri New York will, atterldr hoping to see Sehmeling's ears knoeited ca. .-. .Arid there will be another faction wishing that Baer gets batted out pr there. . .; ,10 per cent of , the.Igross reoelys go to the Bronx - Cancer Tiospital , . . the ball yard where the Jbout is stazed gets 121s per cent of thenet . . after State and Federal takes have been dectuctfd . . tte flters c'C't 53 per cent." 4 '.1. VI'lat all sou; '.41,3 InterestIng enenth but there are not many persons who really would blame SImelir,g t toranything Intler does. . ., , Organized baseball. that dld qu,ite a job In alicIng play itrt. ers',..salar , does not want to cut admission prices. It is true that the rae c Coast League' hall ye, daced tic et costs, Walter Harwood claimed at Earttord sunday that loop which cut admission prices Ill 1232 did, not boost! receipts While the Ipternational League kept the prioe scale up .and the 'attendance tell off only fabout 10 per. cent. George Weiss, who look i after the Yankees. rumor ,-,leagme elute. Is' a-Calmat toW ticket sales. I , DUNLAP FO:ICED INTO EXTRA' 110LE iri r:onTil Al;D - SOUTH '1 TOU'UIEY PINEHE'RST.- N. , A-pril:4, (.11. Ce erre T, Dunlap Jr, the Garden City golfer. who won-medalist, honors with a oOrking i 137, led al brigade of favorites lilt the seectiad round, of the annual North j Ind South: tournament here yesterday, but he was battled to a finish by Richard A. Jones Jr. orlorchrnont, N.Y. and luut to go to the Igtia tole to win 1 up. r. The 32,Iow poorer& of the 36-hole qualifying reurid fought it out in yesterday's 18-hole matches. A final round of 38-holes 'Friday will liecide thezchanvoionsMp. now held by M. PlerP,ont Warner of New Ea.- vet. a Yale student Warner. who won the Wyantenuok tourney, at Great -Barrington. Mass, last year and who competed in the Country Club of Pittsfield tourney. found the going comparatively easy In, defeating 'J. R. terahan OS Provl. dem. It by, a 7 and 3 wore the first round. , , ','Besides Dunlap. One other golfer. 'It. A.:Stranallart Toledo.1 was parried' to the 19th hole before Wthflifl1 1r3 tut.born opponent was Mail:ton W lAtriiht of Ilemp. stead.-1.. Iv another Yale entry. , The biggNs t marg-.3 of Victory was piled, up by Eric T h o m p s o n of 'St; Andrews. who shot sub-par golf on theE out re.t stand 7 up at the turn.. and took the matc,h by an 8 and 7 wore. e Jimmy Rollhlns of Philladetiltia, who, he Dunlap., is a former Princebon player, put M. P. Seam-moll Jr. of T'rent,on. N. J. out of the running wilh a. 3 and 2 triumph. 1 Di ek Wilson of Southern Pines. erstwhile Georgetown golfer, turned in' a 3 and 2 win over R. a "i'Van Arsdale et EtY,Stan - - A 1 tip victoty was chalked uP Ned Ed zerton, Alerh (N. C.) player. in his match wriiih Roof G1:304 JacksOn. PLAYOFF' GAn:E .: TIIURSDAY ;IGIII NORTIT ADAMS. Anril Arnold Print Woz'ss nye and the St. Stan14,1aus quintet of Adams are islated- to meet In - the third game of tter aeries for the ebanIpionship of Northern Bericsl.ire at t1e state Armory here Thnr5,-lay evening, At least, tho committ,re in, charge of the tale tournament at this end of the COkr.ty has made on. en- nouneement to this elect althouzli, reports from Ad,lans state that, the Saints ,are not enttrely aatect wlin, 03 the tOndltlons named the , t 1 Tho. kilaurev arr.': h'owevrr, ,that eryt h'Ing wta '! Nmoothed out ar,d that the two ten.rns w-111 get tother pLanned. Arnold won the fr!,t, tf.t. ovn- I L.r Ton rt. al tut ,the l'.flve Mee coir,e-turk ara to,-,4 the cnntest aa the resa.t of a late 1-11AC:-::SQUAD: OF 75 OUT AT IIAIWAIID cA:cI: Ari 4 (.7).--A a r: ;.:1 -; : ' -r r--7-!t::,z I) ;411 c, :t thre , a, -1 of , Larvarl t T,tt the ren rtl,y r r 5 r7r' y,- ; 771 v I i tve t',ree 1,A1, I cor:- r t'r'r ti t Et f' 11-11 104 " t) .4 rt 11' 1 1-s ;11, .v,1 ' t 7' r --Y :t t " 1 1 tz-- ItItt L .1 el tre -z, lj coc t t Itarvarl t.7s - -1 ( e -t cf LI ft Fen rt!'"y r-- Fs 1'; t ' - . ) y r's ; L, t tve rree' vrei' tr) 1 r t'-'r !tear. . r- t ,tc.10) c " .str't t' 1, t t t r - C '") t l': ' : It ".1( t f1 ( ", -vt 11, It -L. r r, - 1 t ite Ir -t ) v. ' C. , f " - I t tr, ;a C r . r -- -- A. .--- f I