Tt 1 "7 I V, e look to riewsna, -pars ler authen- life ye,,-x-,,r1,3 or events.- Historians of 1 racent CrTICS ,'AgI y 0 ant- :1 - knoW, co nst t..)i C017..S1.11t 01,1 riles Of tetcsritapertt is 'our , L., ces o, --orm on ati. What are ae htatoriar,s to do in ,., e,,., 04- e-,-. 4 to) learn and teil the 1 train when we eLiscover that re,ainy 1 1 preairmabIy : i rciiab',e ratapapers, , - , 1a ppn- v...1,e renort:-4 the es -.a ,-t, .e ' - - - I inr,s abroad,:; puli.ah gro-sa d,stor- - 1i'e:"1,,,aal facts') i 1 t's)r's 01 t ac '-- - 11 i't me' r01,0 -.'-' - A''''ric'st 11 . ' e '- -4111 e parars of late Lave retai--ad b1ood- c',I :''-; storlYs of a"c -eel at-0-e-e s - -7- "" - , " snd cruelties' t,atert, to have - n - ,- ha Ixe Per pairated agair:F-t n Jeas i, Germany. It adz reported, in the New York pa,-,i-trs that rinst,' Apfel, a Jewtsn lawyer - in 1:erlin . was ao rougilIY- '' " r Y 1 r ant c . rnittlanat-ed t,,,,-e :ftis that . -, , he :near-'3- d-ed of 1.-----'s inlari:-" On I the l'ol-.0,,vir.; day the same 1 reoorted how Louis I.:1-stein, of the I 17:,ytean r'-ablshtn In Earlin, ty,e-illad been ers.-eqed from his' bed try I and v-as so eruel:y beatert by 1-(,, tr,,,,r----t---- it-air te c,,,,d a-at tiltr'',:c1Se;at-'i1.:4)t),i1C)113"ItillI..neLT:alse;11-ee;a?17'dY be:Pear.trtr'e51.n.taarl'i'a'f,tfit:Vd;:le cliiring a po'trorn at Ilarnburg. , Now- Nike know there never as a I, epo'rom of J::-As at I:anibiarir As a I mat lea 4-,f rayt ncv,-. A ,, - - ,0 ,1;.--xt IL A z - -- , . that 14C3 Jews tiad bersn ma&sacred . , , , ty,r,r,g a 17,0,-Torn R.. I.arr,),17g ,Now we know there never Was a I :No-rom of 1!-:ss at, ILI mt,11-2-17, a i mailer c,f fact no:. & e,nt.Ie Jew wa.s there; let alonei killed Illie !German isreos correa:,-,on:,:rit, In , New' York have It arned neitIte:: Ai:1cl or 1,:::a-t.ein was ever -111L3- liar:d:ed, ' Ilerr : Apfel Isintzself '' has ren:-.:med this its a de.,:pateh to 2 ,fra-nd in New York. which I have ...--en. ! As far- lIerr 1.7:L.,teiri. the ,1-ew York corre'a"-oricient of t:te 1:Y:if of 1r . tells me that his c-,-, er, Lo u.s 1..11,"c 4 1 . -' recent ed :y s uocu :r.'"" he alter-effe c of t a. c a.;r'a.1 to t oPeratiOn ', ' I'LlOtst metre:point's:1T pataers let theu. rntsrt-Tr,Sen rd I a tritieni ata. zIc how:acre future htstortar.s to learn ft eni ncsys:),..k;,t'r3 NArs, at rea:ly hap- penyr1 when the newts rri-orclitd can no-, 71;',Cr be tru:rt:-1 1:1 E;ec:-.c ca is - 'N't-e womfor, whr er tee nt noL be a nie-Arta belstrial ao many per- ast,:ent sintritilis Ismanatir,-, from France and :1--larld? V;Isat Can te 11,-,-t7 15 It, r-t-----A:, -. certain rel,---,hbors cr GC-r--.--ny Cs nor . mart. tCk See her titt,..-1 and - arer.-11-,ene-d ty tor re, -,s- 1,:st--.- .' t, cioscrEr.337-nt? Or 13 It. ;.--,,rt of tl:e prcyr'-nt.: 3 rew he- t as ! .-,,' 7 r -:,, at- N',,',1,s,,,::: :,-".1 1,7,-r let-::-: c": ,-,:ta 1::-", ": 7,-ta:, 1 Ia-y- as t,3 a: I L.:rt:-..,:r Iteri-:- c f i" l-: --3 ,,Te3 a In: a 1"--,:s c----,"---,ry? ;-cs a ,e cf ,N,--":r rt:---:' rs can r-"--scr 1-1,:-:,,e :,,,- - . ---t? c. , 1-":-..t7.-171 I ' r-:-.-","C:l, 1 ' ' - ,,,, ! , - --A 1-- "-- -" - ------ ':7 t.' J; Y,: "it C-y, - I a- - " --r1-7 '- 1,-------...-,----f------- 1 liTt, p, I lit i..,it' i 3 PCC' 131s Forum I I , ti 1 J . . i jk,,,,r,, I- 4r - " 4.....,...6,.., To Elle ittor ,of TliZ EACLE..-- 'We look to rewsomf 'pers for atithem. v e ren,c,t,s of etc,Ls. 1 ,,,, 0 ,-, ars or : 1 t- e d roorts of eve,-,1.3.. .1-1'.vo-ar s o f i I roc,. tt to '' 4- L " ' -y con--ult old f:le3 of newspapers as t',. 'n ,N '1-1CS, agL YOLL know. co 1 sources of in.formati on. ; V!hat are 'le htstorians, to do In 1,,,. 1 li tru r 'f':'1..I.I's 14 e dc r tat rnn learn and te3 t"- I th vihen e'asovohay I Prv-:-s.--ourablY . rel.:able nevepaper.s, l-e rc)rt--------Z the' -lat(-LSt haPPen- i ,ncs anroad, put.h.F.h gross d-stor- 1 I tions of the'', aclual facts? ' . .1 - A:most all the metropo:itan riev,s- -zro...;:)s p-apers of late Lave retailed blood-m.:z-l-it c47, stori,:',9 of ar.c'd atroc:1:es:, and cruel".-If"si---a4 to have bt'en per- perated ega'.r, Jer'es In. Germany It 1,4 as re.x,rted, in the New york Paners that - r:--tIst Apfe:. A Je'xlsh. :awyer - in Ecrlan. was so roughly rm-,-thandif'd t? 11,,tler fanat:cs that he r.,f.,-,a,..-ly d.-ed of 1-.1-s injuries On ,.-,p h-:-,--,L--,,,,, .,4,, to, r.,,,,..,:-..,.... I r r , . ,, h ow 1,,, s -cl-,. :, f vie e,loe-,... ,,... ....Lein o. .... ,.' I 1-7-.r'.e:-.1 r'',11).-----'11Ln!:1-1,,,111 ,eE. ,er",,11 1 I lad been drahqega krom ki..., osa ,.... 1 ; .t' -- ard v,as a,a, erueliy bea en by '''1----.- - , r . , e - ,,, a --.4 - ;!--e' lr-ruc-if-'S trl air l' 4--.--1- ---" 1-12,,,,-,it. On '4,',ie day after that the rnetr000litan riewFr-apers reported that. 1 4c3 Je-xs had been ma&s.acred diiring a pe'trorn at Ilanatittrg. : Now vie know there nevey aas a I ttc-rorri of J" $ at- 7-amburg-- A's a lici-ilr-a"el. c't faCt no.- & Ir;''e Jew -vas , C:4-1,'Sibeaten tl-iere; let alonekiL:ed. The I !German - pre4,3, corres-pon;i2rita la , New York have Itarned that heithe:r. 1 I AiIct or Elii.4,:ein was ever Iris-- it , . 'I-lane:ed. -' licrr . Aptel a cciz7:17- med this n a i cl.'''' c la.I ch- 1-41 , fr,en d i t1 13i.e w 1" orit, la h I Iliirre Ltzlt 1--,' Ira-,,l'e s 1 seem . AS far- ll'err 'LI:late-in. t:-,e17-ew York corro,-,rider.t, cif the I.-ipuf 01 b-:,lycim tell; me that his cl-7 ef. 1 Lou.s 1.-71tc-in.-recent:v su-c-cum!,,ed to the alticr-effect of se sur-7,--al operation. I '- . . ' 3,loat metiro-',')olittin. 7Paiiers let their misrt-Trts-entiat7ons atard. 1 saki haw , are future Liston-aria to learn, ! fienz newspupers w hat rea::y hap- I pe-ned when .the news ret.-a-r-'-rd, can I i n,3 -, :717;er Le trutid tit E-.'ecif.c ea i s. - . 'Z'... e werc'er whctlier there miiilit not te a nzo77ve behind Sa many per- .o,,..,,:41.1t. zintrut7-a OMAllAtIr3 frotn Frith('e and .-.1-o:anzi? V.1-tat can tt att:f.'n untrintz,s omana t r3 from I Frtt-tee and 1--7771r.-It? V-717-at earl tt I 11-,rt 1--.:--,e-A, -- - 15 1:,, tt72,4', -r" rv'rtatt", re,-,0-1- f l c ---, --v -, nor ,x a ,-- t- tc, sec, 1,,,,r n'tt--', '--1 ''ricriti ." atre'r.-11:,e'ne-d t-LL, to,r rev It's---'s,-, ' r, 0,3ArrErnf-ilt? or is 'I., - f -, - - - L ' I t ,,r, c3 ,,a Fc: .- I r '3, atN,,,-,,,,- --- ,,,-,:-1 is,2.. 1,t,,,., S. ' ' ' ca. 1.,:- -t'' I:- l': ---1.- A:' 1 11,a,-'1'4's L)1 , 1,17-t1,-.. 'r ter:1-s ct j- s Je-A s i ) 1,::s ? rci.,.;:s .t: ,,., , ,ct 3.---.r re,--,' ra rena---scr 1.1,.-:-11-"arl -in t---,-1-,:, ,,-,- - :,,,. T, ' - ) - -- "r ' L'-' I.- - ,, - ;-',.,-L- --- -" -1 ----- --- -rt. --- --'Y' -'" ,---- 4 -V