OUR tt.X-Fr.r..cIDrXISI 1 If.;ton S. Mayer (Forum) 7 asks the c,ile5tion 'What Shall We -Do OIL? Ex-Presidentsr ewers Els own interrogatory; and does it in a way quite lim'.1ke any C.at we have artn adopted before. - tel:s of the almol medieval re".eren7e for the monarch we at-tarn ts ctir Chief Execuilve. now-ever as to a retiring President: - "When the e:ection goes against him, he can only turn t,o k litom n and ai,k her wtat 11 Gods name is he to do now. The e1r::orate that raised hirri to high ar:d ho:y -station displays 1 the ccnr-dence of the pagan (rt-c2s t-zat the linen -hero w1:1 le IL 1-1L,kt-.:,c1 away. to , 0:yrripus. tncre to drink ambrosia:and play r,::,d poker to the last-Syllable of rt-corded.time."' ; An es-President feels, that he mist hot do anythir:i that wi:.1,low r d'gi-.11y. Some men thoight nohing of going to tho Cong-res-s their presidencies were .done anti tl-ere are those who believe the - (If our problem. lies here. could accept the Irina-. ance crmanshin wirth propriety. coo:id;e'coui d become a' colurrinisL C:ant el:al.:A go into en'anceto hi , hurt. , - a coe profesorthen - 1 of h'.-s ambition. . ' - ' thwaned). e , said : saii. aoLl.. an t:C-;T:f.:r.t. that 1:1:-rs went in by a ore majority Clnit tirianimoury. , r-.0'.17,,hr, he was abot as fr.or the pre:mcy as a t as ta be a, qeen--yet c t t3 b Vie grea'-e.r,t - 1,1 Qzy : - s as Cie cr.'y t ( t' 1 , S t r, , ' I 1 t' I, t';--:37. l'''3 Y-:117-' At t e rte,, t i 1 c'y t3 t-.! 12 ! I. T: !3 t ::, 1: 1- ,., t An, t r - -1 ) 1 A I I:, rr- '''It..v-s z :r,1 r , ' -7 C.; !: ., " !:!' t - 1 ; ' ' '' '. r ; r -, r -, g , r When Men Leave White Hou!se'i I when he spoke for 1.1cItinley the f,rt campaign. He r.efused to take the stump for hini . a second time becaus:d Of the colonial poliry. Hoovers future is undetermined. It is to tarly yet for an adequate assecc:mcnt of the nun who vas our 3Ist Execu...ve. - 1 Mayer discusses rach propoisls as elevating ex-Prestelents to the ate Zr life. The plan is adnalrable, but has Constitutional objections. Autoin-atie elevation to the Supreme Court,:advocated by triar.y..has the ot,j,Ttbn that vacancies appear to infrequently and tr'legularly.i The qualinc:ation of - an ex-rresiden. t there might also be questioned.Journailana: and busines always have the gm a ' of capitalizing Lones former', rosition. No real soiution yet ha's been broached. The ;Intellectual waste, however. Is telt:keenly by the Forum ceninientator svho concludes that 7"1-he ex-Prd,..r.t should rneitTicr be forced 'qllor permitted to remain inde'"4 the nation's second most corsplcuous and fizst tarvt. 'useless citizen.!' C:ant coti:d go into tnaneeto t - To,scprtuni. in to material , hurt. , t, ; , r.Jed :much when he jqined 10 cr - -a a conec'e profesor----then Lis prOfessiona1 rnu.cical brethren in - r--,11 of hts ambition, a prottA to ILtler aizainst -the prat - ' - ' thwaned), pet;ed i)ersecutIon of Jewi.sh art-,t-s e said in Germany. 17.e is an Itallan, : a.0.1,,, an a .1.1- ,ES relations with art..,-,t.2 that Gertnary hae then tlezt v,ent, in ty a ore majority ITe 12s a contract ta appear there c: it unartmoury. , tne c' V.That Ica.3 abot ar- rec-iz..:-,s to be seeri. r:: v Ilttel far pretney ts a Eald seof r. c t ta be a qeenyet tu;real ct the ' lye for cLr.ce:,1,..1..-La if t ta he Vie greater,t ranst..,7ator t-at 11 I y ton. tte 12ter.t.--7.a , t es cr,:y 1,1211 t1;1., LItz-,t, 1.'r T, - ta I th:t, e r:an. I r, e 4 (r , ,r netht.r.:1 t 'Le , : , - ' , I - - - - - At 1 e r:-ef!.:-. la 1.,r,e C--.01 71:3 f:1"--'1 r - - t, Arr---,ry 1:tew 1:-, -' it r - ' ' ---- . v -s z -.'.., I t' ,t -:, --t ' 7 ' r' . r D- ra i -1 I r C -,v4.77 i c-:- 1 ' - 1 r t a t, .-1 !-J. r,-:---,, - 1 r 7: ...:. . :' C' I 1 i v .. ( I ..... .. : , , - 1 to t r !-1;, "- 1 I - - ( e - , , t t' - - ; - -'' , , ;- L' - , , ' . , , -:1 r, , , ;, , t - 7 r :a r I r C - , -. 1v. I 1 I