» j 3 NATIONS TO RECEIVE REFUGEES Latin American Nations Extend Welcome Hand Mexico, Peru and Dominican Republic Tell Conference They Will Admit Germans And Austrians Who Flee Countries — Other Countries Refuse to Permit Mass Immigration — Mexico Promises Opportunities for Work. EVIAN-LES-BATNS. France, July 9.—(AP)—Three Latin American nations offered today to "pen their doors to German and Austrian refugees after other countries had told the Evian conference they could not permit mass immigration. Mexico pledged "asylum to foreigner* who are afraid for their lives" and promised opportunities for them Application For -School Granl^O. K. Finance Committee Recommends Favorable Action at Least on Request * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * if * * FDR EXTENDS BATTLEGROUND * if if * * * * * * * * JAPAN WARNS U. S. to wort ^ j^^^ Repubjlc p rompO y j lo ,, owed suU ^ dld ^^ tfae latter making an exception, however, of ^ intellectuals. Vlrgilio Trujillo Molina. Dominican Th* finance committee- of the City Council yesterday recommended to the council that tbe School Board be authorized to make application for a grant for a $250.000 high school which the School Boards holds as imperative. The committee made this recommendation feeling that it might be safer to make the application as soon M possible. The application does not. however, necessarily bind the city to accept the money if it is granted and between now and the time of Blj lur acceptance the incoming council will | - , ° , Q g its authoritv. i from tile d*"? REMOVAL OF CITIZENSAND SHIPS URGED • ____ Sends Note to America and Other Powers Citing Dangers of Spreading Warfare SHANGHAI, July 9.— (AP) — The Japanese, rushing 20.000 fresh troops up tho Yangtze river for an intensified drive on Hankow. sent a new note to the United States and other foreign powers today urjrins: removal of be in office exercising The committee was given consider! able statistical data showing the im- ™ sses and citizens er zone. te stressed, the "desirability along the Scott Recommends Opening Up of New Thoroughfare So As to Cut Weight of Travel On Main Street President Heads For Ok la horn Thj of Ti>.uDtary evacuation" The annual report of City Engineer C. L. Scott came from the press today and was distributed among city officials. It not only gives a comprehensive accounting for the acitivities of that department but bears the concrete recommendation that additional streets be opened so as to relieve Main street of its mounting burden of traffic. Mr. Scott In his recommendation says: "I would further recommend the opening up of additional streets either by the extension of Grove street or some connection or extension of Union street so as to take care of traffic that normally comes to that section of Danville west of Main street along Union street. All of the traffic that comes to this Garcia Calderon, Peruvian delegate, (Turn to page ~. Story >o. 2) ^ Hc ^ ^ ^ ^^ {o - farmlng WMe avallable ,, nd ^ West Indlan ^public would provide ; ^ ^ ^. hninl «,„,<.,. ; | j delegate, announced both agricultural j — —--—-• ••-» ™ "- i river between Nanking and Wanghsi- * , „ " , , ... i. perative need of a. new high school ° "6"^ section from the north, south or east and professional men would be »c- *?, . ,.., . . „ _ . %_ ___ <kouj, halfway to Hankow, and cau- , . ... . , '. r i wHf/*H Will K* ntf n*»Tt KI»nniSrV rtWTV- : «.« j rt * -frHt* olt-T* Vioc tn •t*^iTral nT-ai. rtiti- which will be by next February carrying twice as many pupils as it was intended to carry. Bascom Jordan and Col. Sidney W. vi; ., ct , al iul Minor availed of tbe committee's re- ; quest to 'sit in 1 informally with the i A similar note to the foreign pow- flnar.ce committee inasmuch as it ws ou June 11 was rejected. Foreign ' tionpd particularly against remaining i in th» 80-miio stretch above Klu- miles downstream from the the city has to travel over our streets and only on Route 58, can be taken care of without this burden. Tbe opening of such a street as recommended would not only relieve the traffic situation but assist in develop- •ma To Push Campaign C. L. SCOTT is an Important index to the sources of crime in the citv. Ready to Enter Primary Fight Involving Senator Thomas, Governor Mariand and Congressman Qomer Smith, After Busy Day of Speechmaking Endorsing Bulkley And Barkley—Expected to Boost Thomas, "Loyal Ad« ministrator Supporter. By JOSEPH H, SHOUT ABOARD PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S TRAIN EN ROUTE TO OKLAHOMA CITI. July 9.-(AP)-preM. dent Roosevelt, anxious to keep his friends in the Senate, ad- morning by Magistrate C K_ Carter • vanced today toward Oklaho- after a. legal battle royal ma's political battleground. He will render his decision Monday. Tbs day's engagements took hii» Testimony was widely conflicting ! lnt ° the Democratic senatorial priia- today as the case came to settlement , a^ t ignt involving Senator KUn«r with City Attorney A. Si. Alien and i Thomas, Governor E. W. Mariand Ford Case Taken Under Advisement Defense Contends City Has No Authority on Federal- Owned Property Charges in two warrants that Pet«r S. Ford violated the city ordinances covering buildings in the 'ironclad' zone sworn out against him by City Engineer C. L. Scott were taken under advisement in the police court this with the operation of! t_ • f ! * i * v '** ****** w* * i.u, WUAJ. »¥ t *_iOX i,ci" * the city farm, a large map was main- j T . Wmiams defending Ford. Mr. Th* ; was expected to give tho edge in his Oklahoma appearanw*