tiani-frort-, &C- Vork on thelinu dav witli In- I ordlhip. Theu- ac-tounts arc bn.vii,..! hy the Apollo tf a1Wt, wtaA INS tived at FartlnwJtii ,i Minl.tv the 1 ",th, and brings tue LrthertdvK, that ftveral ot the ntortunate Loyalist , rho had litten iatothr hatids ot the American 0,1 the cnitulation of York-Town, had reccivr.l the fate de-ounce! igainst (heil delecuoii fiom t ongreis, whith fiad such an etfret upon laigt number of Kettigeesre-falent at New Y'.rk, that tliev were conung so this countr 11 sltoals, and th.t: a verj cniidUiMf borty oi th-m are .tttn.illv onhoard t'it Äect hat w.isn.tw commg omt, ith an Intention to ihr.. t.u mklvts t r lup von on thi geiierofity of this governm.at. Oie advi-H bütween