Germany Shaken By Mutiny; Ex-Chancellor Von Schleicher Killed While Resisting Arrest Chancellor Hitler Cleaning Out Militant Nazi Forces - Karl Ernst, Commander in Berlin and Brandeburg, Has Been Arrested, Together With Many Other Extremists CAPT. ERNST ROEHM REPORTED DEPOSED BY HITLER HIMSELF Chancellor Issued Brief Statement Saying that Storm Troop Men Who Disobey Orders Will Be Ejected from Party, Arrested and Punished • Streets Bristle with Steel Helmets By Louis P. Lochner, Associated Press Foreign Staff.) (Copyright, 1934, by the Associated Press.) Berlin, June 30.-Chancellor Adolf Hitler today rode roughshod over foes attempting to overthrow his regime. Former C Chancellor Kurt Von Schleicher, reactionary and monarchist, was killed by police, when he resisted arrest as a conspirator. Capt. Ernst Roehm, national commander of the Nazi storm troops and one of the most advanced radicals, was deposed from power and ejected *from the Nazi party. Premier Hermann Wilhelm Goering of Prussia announced that he was carrying out drastic police action on Hitler's personal orders against Nazi storm troops leaders attempting to force. a second German revolution. Attempt to Muzzle Foreign Press, His measures,he said, were extended in two directions--against absolute reactionaries and absolute radicals. "In order that no false news might get out," Goering told a meeting of foreign press correspondents, "I have ordered all communications with foreign countries stopped for the present until you hear my statement which gives the undiluted truth, but I warn you seriously not let your imagination run wild. "For weeks, we have known that a certain clique of storm troop leaders have been attempting to mislead brave and decent storm troop men on a path leading to revolution. "That would necessarily have led to the overthrowing of the state. "The chief of the secret police and my police organs have watched these men minutely know what they had in mind, namely, a second revo- lution. Threat of Execution. "Der Fuehrer (the leader, i, e., Hitler) is determined to make an example and to let the whole world know that whoever raises his hand against the third Reich (the present government of Germany) loses his head. "Roehm and thought they could bring co, pressure to bear upon Der Fuehrer but he got ahead of them. Der Fuehrer has had Roehm arrested and put into jail where he will await judgment. "Many group and upper group leaders (of the storm troopers) also have been seized and will await their day of judgment. Fuehrer ver ordered me to represent him in this action, which I shall carry out without giving quarter." Says Storm Troops Misled. Even as Goering, made his announcement, the streets of Berlin were being patrolled steel-helmeted policemen armed with rifles, Hitler's crack special guard, the black Schultz Staffel, were to be seen on duty at the various headquarters of the brown-shirted nazi storm troops. "All of Prussia is firm in my hands," said Prussian premier. "The Schultz Staffel and my police have everywhere taken charge of party, headquarters. "The storm trops have not offered any resistance. They were merely misled. "I have naturally also taken measures against those circles that in any endanger the existance of the state and have turned against the reactionaries, whether left or right. "The storm troop army is brave and we must show to it in what way it has been misused. Suicides and Murders. "There is no cause for any uneasiness. Some storm troop leaders, overwhelmed and despondent upon realizing what they had done, have committed suicide. "Some have had to be shot when offered resistance. "They, however, constitute only a small part. "Karl Ernst (commander of the Nazi storm troops in Berlin and Bradenburg), was arrested in Bremen and is being brought here for trial. That means that the last of the mutiny leaders is behind the bars. "Der Fuehrer will address the Ger- of as of Killed Former Chancellor Kurt Von Schleicher was victim of Germany's great uprising today. (Associated Press photo.) Center of Storm P Adolf Hitler, German chancellor, is having a severe test of his power as mutiny spirit breaks out. (Associated Press photo.) man people and the storm troops tonight or possibly tomorrow. "Today's events make no differences in the leave of absence for the troops during July. The brave storm troop men will go on leave as planned. "We warned these gentlemen again and again against a second revolution. Now it was we who made it and not they. "That second revolution now is ended. "The state and the party will be purged and cleansed. The position of Der Fuehrer is purer than ever. "While he shows patience for a long time, yet when he strikes, he strikes hard and decisively. As for myself, you know me well enough to realize that I, too, do not wear silk gloves or that I hesitate. "I attach the greatest importance to having you tell the world that the state and the people are unreservedly behind their leader. "The storm troop organization is a part of our movement, but it was never to be an end in itself. "To attempt to make it such must needs lead to faliure. "The storm troops will receive new leadership, and whoever opposes that leadership will be arrested." Hitler Speaks. The Prussian premier then read two communiques from Chancellor Hitler. The first of them read: "I have today removed Chief of Staff Roehm from his position and thrown him out of the party and the storm troops. "I name as chief of staff and supreme group leader, Lutze. "Storm troop leaders and storming troop men who do not obey his orders or who act contrary to them will be removed from the storm troops and the party or arrested and judged. "(Signed,) Herr Hitler, supreme partry and storm troop leader." GENERAL HOUSECLEANING Is the Description of What Hitler Is Doing. By, Louis P. Lochner, Associated Press Foreign Staff, (Copyright, 1934, by the Associated Press.) Berlin, June 30 (A,P.)- -A general housecleaning of militant Nazi forces, with Chancellor Adolf Hitler wielding the broom like a bludgeon, appeared to be in progress throughout Germany today. A reliable source said Karl Ernst, commander of the Nazi storm troops in Berlin and Brandenburg, had been arrested together with many other storm troops. extremists. Capt. Ernst Roehm, national. commander of the storm troops and one of the most radical leadere, was rumored deposed from his post by Chancellor Hitler personally and in addition was summarily ejected from the ranks of the nationalist Socialist party. District Leader Lutze was appointed to succeed Roehm. Chancellor Hitler at Munich issued a brief statement: "Storm troop men who disobey this order will be ejected from the party, arrested, and punished." The streets of Berlin were patrolled by police armed with rifles and equipped with steel helmets. Hitler's inner circles of guardshis black shirted staffel-appeared in force, apparently supervis- Von Papen Is Among Men In Custody The Vice Chancellor Recently Startled Germany BY CRITICIZING CERTAIN PRACTICES Von Papen Was Taken into "Protective Custody" With Others Berlin, June 30 (A.P.)-Vice-Chan cellor Franz Von Papen, who two weeks ago startled Germany by critieizing certain radical practices of the Nazi government, today was taken into "protective custody" together with three members of his staff and removed to the secret police headquarters. Lines to Paris Suddenly Cut Off Telephone Communication With Berlin Ended at 4:30 p. m. Paris, June 30 (A.P.)--Telephone communications between Paris and Berlin were suddenly eut off at 4:30 P. m. today, The telephone lines carrying the news of the hectic happenings in Germany functioned normally until the news had been allowed to pass, then, flatly, the answer was given: "Berlin does not reply.' TO LAY THREE MILES OF PIPE. To Replace Worn-out Pipe in St. Johnsbury. St. Johnsbury, June 30.--The con: tract for laying over three miles of iron pipe from the village limits to Stiles pond has been awarded to the H. P. Cummings Construction company of Ware, Mass., for approximately $34,000, and it is expected that work will be started on the project within two weeks. The pipe line will replace the worn -out line of the municipal water works and is a federal project. The other part of the projeet will be the construction of two steel reservoirs in the village limits, each of 500,000 gallons capacity. Bids for this job have been received but the contract has not yet been awarded. Weather Outlook Showers Predicted About the Middle of the Period. (By the Associated Press.) Weather outlook for the period beginning Monday: North and middle Atlantic states: Showers near middle of week, otherwise generally fair, considerably cooler beginning of week, warmer middle, and cooler at end of week. BOY KILLED GATHERING EGGS. Bernard Tennien of Pittsford Fell in Barn Loft. Rutland, June 30 (A.P.) -Bernard Tennien of Pittsford, 11, was fatally injured yesterday while gathering eggs in a barn loft. He slipped and fell several feet, fracturing his skull, He died an hour later. operations at brown-shirted headquarters and sub-headquarters. Premier Hermann Wilhelm Goering of Prussia seen to enter secret police headquarters with his galaxy of adjutants. Von Schleicher Was Being Arrested He Was Charged With Being a Conspirator Against the Government. Berlin, June 30 (A.P.) -Former Chancellor Kurt Von Schleicher was killed today while resisting police attempting to arrest him as a conspirator against the government. The police had been assigned by Premier Hermann Wilhelm Goering to arrest the former chancellor, the man who, had preceded Hitler as head of 'the German government. Von Schleicher was alleged to have conspired with reactionaries against the present regime. Von Schleicher's government lasted 56 days and was the shortest regime since the last imperial cabinet under Prince Max Von Baden, which fell before the 1918 revolution. The resignation of Von Schleicher came on Jan. 28, 1933, after President Von Hindenburg refused to give him authority to dissolve the Reichstag and establish a dictator's rule. Hitler was made chancellor two days later. During the six months of the government of the present vice chancellor, Franz Von Papen, General Von was minister of defense. Schleicher, succeeded Von Papen he continued as minister of defense and became federal commissioner of Prussia as well,