Store owner's death called suspicious RvKsniMtVMMr 7 ne5s Mean Rockland Bureau WALDOBORO - After three weeks of investigation state police are not convinced that the death of store owner Douglas J Parent was a homicide The case Is being investigated as a "suspicious death” Parent was found dead on Nov 3 in his apartment above the Waldoboro News Stand which he operated for 19 years The death was first considered to be from natural causes until an autopsy disclosed that he died of a free-A three-member team of detectives has been In i daily since the incident Sgt Douglas Holmes of the state police team said Monday that he is not convinced the case is a homicide "The only way we will decide for sure Is to arrest a perpetrator It is a rarity to find a fractured larynx In a falling accident but it has happened Those injuries are usually found in a plane or car accident” he said Several areas which could determine whether the death was accidental are being investigated Sgt Holmes Mid He refused to Issue additional details rnmpiwung the case Is the discov ery of missing money possibly much as $1000 A bank deposit scheduled to be made on Oct 3 was first reported missing but was later found in the store Other funds which were Islesboro site for PBMC fair ISLESBORO — The Penobscot Bay Medical Center auxiliary-sponsored Christmas fair and drawings will be held Dec 3 Items for the drawingwill include quilts wall hangings a Chelsea dock and a Proton -radio Tickets are sold in Islesboro at Mary’s Kitchen Durkee’s Store Town Manager Greg Marquise said approximately 99 percent of all hospi-f admissions for island residents are made at the Rockport hospital Additionally he noted the ment of hospital officials and personnel In the island health care program He said that the current successful and popular Physician Assistant program was put together under the auspices of hoapttal officials Various types of help and courtesies are extended regularly by the hospital staff he said supposed to" be In the store are still missing police said The state police team assisted by a Waldoboro police officer will remain in town as long as there are leads to follow "We certainly are not out of things to do yet But there comes a time when you have exhausted your leads It is hard to say how long we will be here” Until something new is found the case will remain "a suspicious death” to state police Parent was one of the town’s best-known residents because of his crossroads business and his activity in town and school affairs Forestry meeting WALDOBORO - The Forest Resource Committee of the Time and Tide Resource Conservation and Development Area will meet at 7 pm Wednesday Oct 26 at the Time and Tide office on Route 1 Waldoboro Topics will include forest practices regulation whole tree chipping and town forest management Information Is available from the Time and Tide