Robert P McKee Gasoline attendant slain from page 1 gasoline were unaccounted for he said McKee who was working so his wife could visit her family in Germany “was the kind of person you would like to nave as a fa'ther or a son” McNally said The station owner said he would no longer stay open 24 hours a day He closed the station Friday out of respect for McKee Att Shorette’s it was said that a truck driver wved to McKee about 1:15 am McKee was a sixth grade teacher in Pittsfield for four years He originally was from Presque Isle where his father is living He received his bachelor s degree from the University of Maine at Presque Isle He lived on the Nokomis Road with his wife Dorta and their two children Mrs Frigon of the Canadian Trail Cabins said that after one man got a six pack of beer and another requested four packs of cigarettes the three men stationed themselves around the cash register She indicated they said “Give us your money When she reached to the side of the register to ring an alarm they said “Don’t do it if you value your life” Although she saw no weapon they told her they would shoot her if she did not cooperate They took approximately $100 from the cash register the beer and the cigarettes They discussed putting Mrs Erigon some place settling on a bathroom When they could not find anything heavy to put in front of the door they left She described two of the men as about 20 years old 5 feet 10 or 11 inches tall medium complexion The other man she said was in his 30s had a moustache and was 5 feet tall