1 r ' k ( V-.; ' 1 " Hj ,-f.--5w , ' ' i :v,' 't f. n n n n rrn r - ! .. i u s4 u y n t! ; I f , v. " """""'J far Jr. 11 r it ' M 1 ,'-"; Her Bicycle Left Behind This Is the bicycle belonging to missing 13-year-old Mary Olenchuk, daughter of Brlg.; Gen. Peter Olenchuk, commanding general of the Army Am- . .munition Supply Agency at Jollet, 111. Among those working with local, state and federal law enforce- ment officials are State Police Detective Sgt. Paul Falconer, left, and Ogunqult Police Chief Cecil Perkins. An Army helicopter was brought Into service , on Thursday. (See Story Page One) (NEWS Photo 9 by Maher) - St. Croix High Class Of 1950 Holds Reunion BAILEYVILLE - The class of 1950 from St. Croix High School. Woodland, met Saturday night at the American Legion Hall in Woodland, honoring their 20th class reunion. Andre White was the master of ceremonies for the evening. Prizes were given to Betty Flood Davis for the most children and to Norma Leland Call for the only set of twins. Best looking prize went to Andre White. Gerald Casey was given an award for escaping matrimony. . Andre White also received a prize for traveling the longest distance. ' WHERE YOUNGSTER LIVES -Thls home on Israel's Head Road at Ogunqult Is where 13-year-old Mary Olenchuk, now missing five days, resides. The daughter of an Army brig- adier general was last seen Sunday afternoon and police, civilians and some military personnel are conducting a massive search. (NEWS Photo by Maher) " "; ' VINYL or ALUMINUM SIDING