IIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. RAN A-. WAY froiii the s'lbscnber.on Monday evening last, Nov. 6th, 1837, a MULATTO GIRL, about twenty years of age, five feet, eight or nine incites high, stout made when spoken to sh wa her teeth, pleasant countenance, long and straight hair. The said girl, named MARGARET or MATILDA, was raised in the family of Mr. Henry Pratt, in Centcrville, Eastern Shore, was drought to Baltimore in May or June, and sold. She absconded from me a few days after I had possession, and hired herself with a Mr. Burton, keeper of a tavern and wagon yard, High street, Old Town, where she lived for nine montns Alter leaving ivir with the Rev. Mr. John, in Front street. Old Town, at which p'ace she was living at' the time I apprehended her. Allowing hr to go about the house, she ab-cond-ed; a few days afterwards was caught on the Harford road, 19 miles out, where Air. Burton, wl:o kept the tavern, hid removed to. Through some of her triends, she filed a petition for her freedom. My recognizance was taken fur $2000 to bring her to court. In June term, her counsel not being prepared, the case va9 postponed until the next court. The counsel employed by her friends withdrew the case, finding it impossible to prove her freedom. As she has a great resemblance to the cob)r and features of an Indian, she has told a number of persons that she was born in Hagerstown or Frede ri k, and that her parents were Indians, consequently born free. She Ins told those persons that she proved her freedom in this CJiirt. I believe she can read. If said slave is taken in th& city or county, I will give fifty dollars; if out of the state, one hundred; if nut of the United States and in some foreign country, I will pive the above reward, if delivered to nie. Boatmen and Wagoners are forbidden taking the paid slave out of the city, as the law will bee nfurced against them All persons are forewarned of hiring or Jmborincr the said slave. D. H WHITE. N. B. Manacers of steam cars will confer a favnr by not letting any passenger who answers the above description, take passage. Fifty dollars extra will be given for the conviction of any person who has assisted or is assisting the said slave co make her escape. Twelve hundred dollars was reused tor tlnsgirl when she eloped in lR.'lii, whieh goe- against the grain, these hard times, to dispense with so easily. On examining her wrist3, you will find inaiks where she has been handcuffed. n 13 4t " Burton, she hired herself