5, candidate The to their convention the candidate gave being voting until the county consultation, minutes. with the fortv-eighth and fifty- Longwell vote wa3 votes, Cecil county consultation, twenty again voted vote of the with the when Mr. that the carried. county, saia at the the convention. candidate against would name of mod served the the Hon. county, rescue ana the nomination, in Balti .Baltimore 1872. Mr. Merrick, who resides close by, and him of his nomination. - They escorted him the meeting, where he thanked the members addressed them in an eloquent speech, in he treated with ability the political questions now agitating the country. . The meeting adjourned sine die. Howard County Republican Convention. The Republican County Convention of Howard connty was hold on Tuesday, at Ellicott John Moorehcad, Esq.. in the chair, and Vansaut, secretary. There was a conflict between the adherents of Messrs. Gary and Albert, which threatened at one time to break the convention. At last Messrs. John Moore-head, Nicholas Henderson and Geo. W. in favor of the nomination of James A. were elected as delegates to the Fifth District Republican Convention, which assembles Laurel,, on September 11th, at 12 o'clock. The First Congressional District inoje I'armlchael Declines Nomination. The Centrevllle Observer of Tuesday announced that Judge Richard B. Carmichael would cline the nomination for Congress made by first d'strict congressional convention at Princess Ann when officially informed of the fact by proper committee. The Judge has since published a letter, dated September 2d, In which he plicitly announces this determination, ' without waiting for formal and official Lotiiication. Bays: "The nomination took me altogther by surprise. I am constrained to decline the honorable service to which it calls, but I hope the convention and my fellow-citizens of the district believe me truly sensible to the compliment. The nomination here is tantamount to election,