Orangre Blossoms. Monday, One of the miist attractive weddings of West Butler county occurred r Wednesday, January 2, at high twelve, when Miss Emma F. Huber was wedded to James W. Rjberts at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Huber of Lorena, Rev. G. Garth. officiating. Sixty invited quests were present to witness the ceremony and partake of tbe very elaborate wedding dinner which was spread. Miss Ida Chace of Wichita played the wedding march. Miss Emma - Roberts of Carbondale, sister of tcei groom acted as bridesmaid; Mr. Lewis Huber, brother of ihe bride acting as best man. The large number and expensive presents received were indications of the high esteem ia which the young people are held. Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Chance, Miss Pearl Sisco, Mrs. Ilattie Chace and Rev. G. Bartb of Augusta attended. Mr. and Mrs. Huberts will for their new hurue Carbondale. the b'st wishes of many friends following i.hcm. icave near their