TODAY John D. Rockefeller at 95 What History Will Say From Germany Not Much Cigarette Money Is Good By ARTHUR BRISBANE In Mr. Brisbane a daily a Times not An concur with Mo gal bat them a% the senti wetter la this country or Richest paid editorial a 1854, be Festeres Spedicate, Inc.) Johe D. Rockefeller, Sunday, July celebrated his ninety fifth birthday. Those who understand and appreciate the work that he bar done hops that he may live many year* more, at least the foil hundred year that now replace the ancient to old a It is to estimate the value of mech a lile an that of Jena Rockefeller His great age and sees are the beat possible ment at temperate, well. raghlated livior. He seta ample that today a young people Rockefeller' a publie benefac. tiona, expressing his gratitude for opportunity and should be an inspiration to other successful men. In his life he has given in wife philanthropy to of disease, and great deal more than hundred mithra dollars. When Mr. Rockefeller his hundredth hirthtay, he will have given for pubho purpose then five million dollars for every year of his lift. It he had given a mar what the aware man in able to give, nay one dollar a day, it hare taken nearly a million and a half gears to give away da muck an he And vet when Tintoriane the name of IA. Racke fete comparing it with much names AN Cheur and Mediet h he written that merely giving money, returning to the nation made ox accumulation possibin the greater part of an individual in el comparatively Jehn D. Rockefeller career, Has great to this country and the worM has been his tion af induriry on a basis of effich. with low cost to the consumer good pay for workers. star the folly of unrestricted west compared with Henry great Indus ariallat, said to this writer are The best manazed in the world in Standard Referring Joke D. Rockefeller winm he saw trip through Fiorita, Henry When I raw that made Standard Dit This ninety- the greatest of all American Ante mad portant in the bisters human Olice so rich a would hare and hte money trying to buy favors in the world to coma. Rockefeller sizes hia for tie benefit of his feline men, now living sad to fallow alter fom. From Germany, the wud) A ficial Vienna Dewapaper says it was kill. You Papen, vice chancellor. Men were no their way la execute him when, by me presumably of men of the German army with machine took up positions at Von Papa door and the re. tired Ina vine their ion undone, in salt to have gone for -el air and the tatian Alps, a very beautiful coun. , 1 e have much in the toRHiaten, on the Paficie New Jersey ANd elsewhere and sany of them. Germany monopoly of sheetings without process of law. World Chancier announce het the Called Stales in tile 14 live gold K so much cold. There he taik about our currency an permanent parity. Preaiient Roosevelt understood not want the return to goin or While out moder Cheap in foreign countries, that makes easier for the foreign One thing that anytaing about manes. When Capone and the other on prize were entertained in cove * 00 palled to money. that cigarette mousy mice than our present Caited money, for the clearpaper money has tobacco inside of it United States money Just paper. she same on the that makes the difference in New York. came to towar Thousande of Tact Thought they to he asked Winthrop W. Aldrich, head of the Chase, biggest bank the CON- and Mr. Aldrich cot and aunt the mayor.- ins about remarkable The marvel the it Kirt when Mr. returned 15 every more than of per cont his a had 106 Here your he the DA Landen Times, England germs med bur France London and The Simple for plans a Infection how rapidly the germs how poll they cardio Mr. Heed thinks he has a report of German agents shewing that the Place de la Cancorde in Teris has been experimenttally sprayed with "two hundred and ten unite containing a billion each prodigious Just before or after a declaration of war, such spraying would be done with the most deadly gerons avershin The French war department calmly replies that it has auses winch will protect against poison and deadly microbes that are expected to flood big cities in the next Whatever the defense, that wilt not pleasant. Speeding Charges Bring Fines of $5 The police court docket Monday H looked like a pace out of St. Petersregister an several wetl. known arraigned were Municipal Jude Dino for violating traffic (tions D. Robertson, well known elubman, drew SA. fine for and Frank M. Harris, attorney. fined for a similar offenne. 8 R. charged with speedalso received a 44 fine. They pleaded guilty, Mra Scott, Tampa. was for after she had pirated not guilty to charge reckless delving. FLORIDA HIGHLIGHTS DISTRIBUTED AT FAIR "Florida Higbbelita." handsome Mustrated book has just been pub. Bahed by Kenneth A Friedman to he distributed at Florida Hall at the Chicago World's Fair. It la denig. hated as the official Florida The book, with 11% attract the four -enlor process rover design typical of Merida, the contains 119 Titustrationa mark* and natural phenomena. The sketches made by Friedman, which appear weekly la the many Florida including The Tines, the title *Porida: High lights"' rive an Interesting and edit rational story it Florida general, historical background, lie prod. ducts, resources, and other details equal Interest ant importation NEW MEMBER TAKEN BY JAYCEES AT LUNCHEON wan. taken into the Chamber of Commerce at lunch hebt Monday nown at the decided 201 for nament the during announced Monday afternoon the following bad entered Dr. James Pearson Philips, Marshall W. W. She Eachere. Dhow on summer Pierce, Howard Gould and Ray Weekly luncheon would Manda: noon for the remainder the our a Florida 14 W like diet and - to