MARTIAL LAW IS INVOKED AFTER REICHSTAG FIRE Outlawing of Reds Believed to Be Purpose of Action BERLIN, Feb. 28 AP) Virtual martial law under police regime was decided upon by the German cabinet today. The cabinet, which had been in session since IX a. m., adjourned at 2:30 p. m. until 5 p. m. It had heard a report from Wilhelm Goering, minister without portfolio, upon the fire which damaged the Reichstag building yesterday and the result of a raid last week by police on Karl Liebknecht, com munlst headquarters on Buelow-platz. . A military state of emergency was refrained from in order to keep the Reichswehr (standing army) out of political action, but the measures to be decreed will have the effect of placing Germany under a state of emergency with the sole object of meeting without Communist danger. Herr Goering reported that material sei2ed in Karl Liebknecht house included forged orders to the police and to Nazi storm troopers and even included Instructions for poisoning wells and food. According to the testimony of I two men who were arrested, they telephoned yesterday evening to the Socialist organ Vorwaerts at the request of this paper that Herr Ooering himself had arranged for the reichstag fire. The minister further informed the press that elections for the reichstag and the Prussian diet would be held next Sunday under 11 circumstances. According to the Press Liaison officer, the communist votes in the next reichstag simply will not be counted as they will be considered no-German.