Party From 1A Some riders sat on car hoods. A four-wheel-drive Jeep, filled with 18 standing screaming youths, stalled. Then, it made a U-turn in the middle of the street, which police barricades had blocked. Previous post-game celebrations on West Tennessee Street have caused similar law-enforcement problems, and some said an area should have been designated for partying fans. "I just think they should let the students have the street," said John Collins, a 26-year-old computer programmer. "Close it down. If they blocked it off there'd be no chance for people to hurt themselves." "I think they should have designated a place before now," said Sheriff's Deputy Mike Montgomery. "They're already in the bars," Campbell said of the fans. "Many have been drinking since before the game. "We love the 'Noles as much as anybody," said Campbell, who oversees operations for the sheriffs department. "But the day when someone gets too drunk and loses control and runs into the crowd, it'll be a massive tragedy."