-BURWELL ASQUITH.-A wedding took place at the Zion Lutheran manse, Saskatoon, when Audrey Irene, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan K. Burwell of Asquith, was married to Ralph Hilton, youngest son Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson of Asquith. Rev. Milton Johnson performed the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a white lace and sheer gown with veil and carried a bouquet of red roses 'and white 'mums. The bridesmaid, Jessie Burwell, cousin of the bride, wore pink sheer and carried a bouquet of mauve and white baby 'mums. The groom was attended by the bride's brother, Clark Burwell. A wedding supper was held at the home of the bride's parents, and a dance later in the Asquith Community Hall. The couple will reside at Asquith.