•New Drive-in Theatre to Open at Terrytown The grand opening of Terry's Carena, new drive-in theatre in Terrytown, will be held from 1 to 5 p. m. (Sunday), Terry Carpenter, owner, said Saturday night. The theatre will be open between those hours for public inspection, he stated. In the evening, a double feature will be shown. The theatre has room for 630 cars, Carpenter explained. All children will be admitted to the shows free, and will be accommodated in 1,000 bleachers in the front of the theatre. The screen is 46 x 54 feet in size. In addition to the theatre proper there is a new restaurant on the premises which will serve short orders and sandwiches, Carpenter stated. Every Thursday evening all theatre patrons admitted free, the owner concluded. airport, Light Saturday was C. miles miles .3 There Saturday county, crops of heavily. according Goshen region hit at