. . . . . . . : TWO.' SPOKANE DAILY CHRONICLE. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1933. British Acquit Lieutenant in Part of Treason Case LONDON, March 28. (P)- The courtmartial of Lieutenant Norman Baillie-Stewart was concluded thie, evening with acquittal ( of defendant on three charges of attempting to gather military information. The acquittal was in keeping with In instructions of the judge advocate in summing up the case. *Faced 10 Counts. The remainder of the court's findings, mission to however, higher were military reserved for authorities. sub-. Lieutenant Baillie-Stewart had been charged on 10 counts. In previous courtmartials a verdict in this form has meant A failure to acquit on charges in which acquittal was not specified. Some time may elapse before the entire finding in the case becomes known. Military rules morenoetee the referring of the case authorities. Conceals Feelings. It Lieutenant Baillie-Stewart WAS disappointed at not receiving immediate and unconditional acquittal, he did not show it. His brother, Lieutenant E. 8. Wright, who testified yesterday, looked grave and anxious as the verdict was returned. (Lieutenant Baillie -Stewart changed his name several m months ago.) When he was given permission to leave he put on his cap, marched to the middle of the court, faced the president, saluted smartly and walked out behind an escort. IDAHO PROJECTS HALTED BY F. R. BOISE, Idaho, March 28. (AP)-The order suspending federal aid for road construction leaves Idaho with one bridge in the air without approaches, one pair of approaches without a bridge, and three highway jobs ready for bidders. J. H. Stemmer, director of highways, said the state had $250,000 coming in federal aid, emergency federal aid, and Colton-Oddie funds when the suspension order was issued at Washington, D. C. Without federal aid, Stemmer said, there will be little construction progress this year as state funds from the gasoline tax barely meet maintenance charges. The most acute problem, he said, was that of the Bonners Ferry bridge. This structure, reaching 1200 feet across the Kootenal river, has progressed to the point where contracts for approaches at either end must be let in order to have them ready for finishing work on the structure, which was to have been started in six weeks. DRAMATIZE BIBLE A matrons' declamatory contest held Monday afternoon in Hillyard M. E. church under the auspices of the Spokane county W. C. T. U. was won by Mrs. Hugh Copeland. She was awarded a silver medal by Mrs. Martha Murray, state W. C. T. U. president. Six women took part, each dramatizing a chapter of the Bible. Mrs. R. Hesseltine was in charge. FLYER NEAR MANILA BANGKOK, Siam, March 28. (AP)Fernando Rein Loring, Spanish aviator, flying from Madrid to Manila, landed yesterday at Nakon-Panom, near the eastern frontier of Siam. He planned to take off today for Hanoi, French Indo-China. - CITY IN BRIEF HILLSIDE CHAPTER of First Presbyterian church will meet at 10 a. m. Thursday at the Washington . Children's home, 84315 Scott. Members will bring lunch. W. E. STAUFFER, private detective agency head, who underwent a serious operation recently at Sacred Heart hospital, has returned to his home. MRS. BUD ANDERSON, W811 Nora, will be hostess at a 1 p. m. luncheon Thursday for the past presidents of the 0. R. C. TO THOSE WHO MOURN, we give considerate attention. In planning a funeral service it is a comfort for those who are bereaved to have all the details of management in the small, of those who are competent. We can relieve you of anxiety. Mission Funeral Home, N1322 Monroe. Broad. 2188.-Adv. MRS. G. AFFLERBAUGH of Albany, Ore., arrived today to visit her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Koefod, W2615 Sinto. VASA LODGE card party and dance Foresters' hall, Wednesday, March 29. Music by Coeur d'Alene Lumberjacks. Everybody welcome.-Adv. MONTHLY EXECUTIVE meeting of the Spokane district Christian Endeavor union will t be held at 7:30 tonight in the ! Y. M. C. A. ALWAYS CALL a Diamond Cab when you want the very best service at the very lowest cost. Main 4353.-Adv. VISIT FRIENDS-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jolley and sons spent the week- end at Ford, Wash., with relatives and friends. JOHNSON'S CAFE--We feature 100% satisfactory meals at prices to fit any one's budget. 912 Sprague.-Adv. MEET TONIGHT- The Benevolent Order of Policemen's Wives will meet at 8 p. m. tonight at the Avalon tearoom, W507 Fifth. LOANS--No indorser, no fees. Full amount in cash. Must be employed. H. M. Rockwell, 317 Symons.-Adv. JOEL E. FERRIS, president of the Spokane and Eastern Trust company, returned today from a business trip to the Coast. DR. R. A. JEFFORDS, located temporarily. S1709 Cedar. Riv. 8423.-Adv. IN SPOKANE-Attorney Ezra R. Whitla and Judge James F. Ailshie of Coeur d'Alene are in Spokane on legal business. DORTCH'S COOKIES liked by all. Spokane-made. 10c. Any grocer.-Adv. MRS. C. E. WALL, The Gables, returned Monday from Portland, where she visited her father, F. X. Gausneber. DR. G. R. HORLEY, DENTIST, 807 Paulsen building. Main 5753.--Adv. OSCAR HUGHES, W1123 Kiernan, is convalescing at his home following attack of pneumonia. Green and Douglas Argue Forest Work Program Green and They used the same gestures, but President Roosevelt's $1-a-day forest the left, William Green, president of cism." At the right is Budget Director Hamilton Tells How Tax OLYMPIA, March 28. (AP)Besieged by inquiries from county officials throughout the state, Attorney General G. W. Hamilton today sought to clarify the provisions of a 1933 legislative act remitting accrued interest on delinquent property taxes and providing for a five per cent rebate on the principal if paid in full. For the benefit of county officials and the public in general Attorney General Hamilton prepared an opinion covering most of the questions which have arisen since the law was signed by Governor Clarence D. Martin. What Bill Provides. The new law, introduced in the 1933 legislature as Senate Bill 22, authorizes remission of all accrued interest on delinquent taxes for the years 1925 to 1931, providing such taxes are paid before December 31, 1933, in addition to allowing the rebate and installment payments. The new law was designed to en| courage, payment of delinquent which, on December 31, 1932, amounted to $45,000,000 1 in this state. Hamilton's opinion, sent to all prosecuting attorneys, set forth the following points: Rebate on Taxes. The 5 per cent rebate should not be allowed except upon payment of the full tax for one or more years. It should not be allowed when the tax for only a half year is paid. County treasurers are not required to accept a payment of less than the full amount of personal property tax where the total tax is less than $10. The new law does not apply proceedings in distraint for personal property taxes. It does, however, prohibit the further prosecution of any tax foreclosure proceeding until March 1, 1934. All pending tax foreclosure proceedings are stayed without regard to what particular stage any particular proceeding may have been in at the time the law became effective on March 2. Not Unconstitutional. The act does not apply to delinquent dike and drainage taxes or ASsessments. No part of the act nor any particular provision thereof is unconstitutional. The act makes no change in existing law as to the payment or collection of taxes on real and personal property for 1932 and payable in 1933. The law applies only to the collection of delinquent taxes on real and personal property for 1931 and prior years. ELECT J. O'CONNELL Resignation of R. E. Irwin of Potlatch As president of the Potlatch Timber Protective association was filled by the election of J. J. O'Connell, also of Potlatch, at the annual meeting Monday. Mr. O'Connell also succeeds Mr. Irwin as a director. The I vice president of the association will be the new state forester of Idaho, when he is appointed to Ben Bush, now holding that fliceced SEEK STRIKE PEACE DAGENHAM, England, March 28. (AP)-Moves were made today for consultations between company officials and the strikers looking toward a settlement of the strike which has tied up the Ford factory here, affecting upward of 7000 employees as the result of a wage dispute. PRIMARY WORKERS TO MEET. Members of the Primary Workers' council of the Spokane city council of Christian Education will meet? at 7:45 tonight in the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. W. A. Kemp will conduct the meeting. The program will include the study of the worship program and a book review. ADVERTISING. Wait! Don't Buy Any Washer Until You See the New VOSS $39.95 New Low New--Just Price! Arrived! SPOKANE'S - - GREATEST - ELECTRIC COMPANY E JOHNSTON N118-120 Lincoln St. 50 64 52 52 60 Want Wood? 1.75 58 70 128 50 Fir Tamar. Green cu. ft. 52 cut: well -seasoned. Load. 46 We put it in! 12 or 16 in. 64 52 48 62 EDDY FUEL CO., M3389 THOUSANDS HEAR HITLER PROTEST NEW YORK, March 28. (A)-The giant rally at which protests against alleged mistreatment of Jews in Germany was voiced drew a crowd estimated by police at more than 57,000 last night. Only about 22,000 were able to set Into Madison Square Garden to hear speakers of various faiths join in the protest, but the 35,000 who were turned away held an overflow meeting outside. Alfred E. Smith, recalling his fight against the Ku Klux Kian, said, "It don't make any difference to me whether it is brown shirt or a nightshirt." The thing to do with persecution, said, 18 to "drag it out into the open sunlight and give it the same treatment we gave the Ku Klux Klan." Chicago Protests, CHICAGO, March 28. (AP) --Jews and gentiles gathered in a monstrous massmeeting in protest to alleged mistreatment of Jews in Germany the Hitler government and asked by resolution that the United States refrain from further relations with Germany until conditions there could be determined. SAYS BEER WAR DUE FOR KANSAS KANSAS CITY, Kan., March 28. -A "beer war" similar to one waged in Kansas before national prohibition is foreseen by Roland Boynton, state's attorney general. Here yesterday for a conference with James F. Goings, deputy prohibition administrator for Kansas, the attorney general said he had information that a "sort of firm had been formed to start the sale of beer in Kansas in the next month." State officials contend Kansas' bone dry law will not permit the sale of the 3.2 per cent beer legalized by the federal government after midnight, April 6. "The plan As explained to me," said Boynton, "is to make deliveries to homes. The beer sellers expect to tie us up with an injunction, just as the slot machine interests did and carry on under court protection." Boynton declared the beer interests would no sooner start operations than the war would begin. PRESSING MATTERS DELAY REGROUPING WASHINGTON, March 28. (AP)The general regrouping of government functions upon which the Roosevelt administration embarked even: before the inauguration is being delayed indefinitely by the press of emergency matters. An informed source who several weeks ago said a major part of the survey would be completed by March 25 for presentation to Lewis Douglas, director of the budget, said today he couldn't "estimate" when it would be ready. ROMAINE TO SPEAK Major F. W. Romaine, post surgeon Fort Wright, will be the speaker at noon tomorrow before the Associated Engineers of Spokane, meeting at the Davenport. His subject is "Philippines and Chinese Observations.' ADVERTISING. Gall Stone Colic Avoid operations if possible. Treat the cause in a sensible, painless, inexpensive war at home. Write Home Drug Co. 16-70 North Fourth street. Minn., for a recognized practicing specialist's prescription on liver and mall bladder trouble, for literature and treatment which has been giving gratifying results for 28 years. Bold under money-back guarantee. Clip this out NOW. -Adv. KEMP & HEBERT Enna Jettick White Shoes for Spring Enna Jettick shoes are not only smartly styled, but they're so comfortable on your feet. If you've never worn Enna Jetticks . try them. A new experience in shoe comfort awaits you. Enjoy the utmost in walking comfort for the scientific design of Enna Jettick shoes gives splendid arch support and the necessary freedom for every movement of your foot. White Kid Pump Enna Jettick 3-eyelet tie of Enna Jettick strip pump . . . of 3-Eyelet Tie-$4.40 $4.40 . . . white Marcelle cloth, worked white kid 16-8-inch heel. eyelets. 16-8 covered heel. Sim- As sketched. llar to sketch. White Kid Pump White Kid Tie-$5 $5 Enna Jettick cut-out heel. As with neat bow trim. Covered tie of Enna Jettick pump of white kid white kid with Cuban heel. As sketched. sketched. No Longer Be Told That You Have You Need an Expensive Foot Chinese Charges Japan Impairs Peace Machine Y. W. C. A. OFFERS TENNIS LESSONS Tennis lessons for girls of the leisure time classes of the W. C. A. will given by Miss Helen GutGirl Reserve secretary, at the upper Manito courts. Twenty-fifth knecht, and Grand, beginning Wednesday, 8 to 10 a. m. Next week and thereafter, lessons will be given each Tuesday from 8 to 10 a. m. Those interested in hiking are asked to meet Miss Gutknecht Thursday afternoon. Other classes in advanced stenography, handcraft, including blockprinting bookbinding; dramatics and current events, will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. LIST BEER PRICE FOR SALES HERE RETAIL BEER PRICES. Bohemian Club, 24-bottle case, $3.20 per case. Rainier Club, 24-bottle case, $3.15 per case. Eastern beers, 12 bottles, $2.20 per dozen. Spokane's first retail beer prices were quoted today by Greenough's Stop 'n' Shop market, where orders are being taken for delivery on Friday, April 7. "Yes, we are taking orders for the delivery of beer on Friday," said A. Falsetto, assistant manager of Greenough's. "Our prices, we hope, will not have to be changed because of any further licensing. For the present they will stand at these figures. "There will be a bottle refund of 30 cents a case on Bohemian club beer, which is the product of the Inland Products company. We haven't worked out any refund on the other makes as yet. "The bottles will hold 12 ounces and generally a case will consist of 24 bottles. However, all eastern beers are more likely to be sold in dozen lots." Jack Frost, manager of the Pacific Fruit and Produce company, said his company will distribute Pabst beer to licensed retailers only. "We are not going to sell direct to the consumer," said Mr. Frost. "I'm afraid it will be seven days after April 6 before we get our first shipment of Pabst from the brewery in Milwaukee. "We have ordered 10 cars of beer for distribution throughout the Inland Empire. There are 600 cases to a car." Sell to Retallers, Officials of the Commercial Creamery company, distributors of Anheuser-Busch, will sell to retailers only. The company has a shipment of five cars of 1300 cases each coming from St. Louis. Ed Theis, vice president of the Inland Products company, said his company will not sell beer in amount direct to the consumer. Bales will be only to the retailers. ROLLER SKATING POPULAR HERE Spokane is falling in line with new fad--roller skating--according to Lawrence M. Van Vliet, manager of the sporting goods department at Graham's. In the last two months Graham's have 5 sold more roller skates than were sold by the store all last year, Mr. Vliet said. Late Happenings About Montana MISSOULA, March 28.-The Missoula brewery plant will have its new beer product on the market in 90 days, it is reported by the management. Officers of the old plant which operated up until prohibition have started to overhaul the equipment. Some new machinery is ordered and improvement plans on the plant are being rushed. Start Spring Work. HAMILTON, March 27.-The Bitter Root valley is one of the sections of Montana where the first spring plowing is under way. Farmers in the bottom lands have been plowing for the last two weeks, but it is said that few of them in the bench land districts have started any spring work. Fractures Jaw. ANACONDA, March 28.-Edward McCarthy, 18, high school student, suffered a fractured jaw here when he into the rear of a slowly moving automobile. At the time the youth was chasing a fly ball when with others he was playing ball near the school building. He also sustained cuts and bruises on the face. Missoula Plans Festival. MISSOULA, March 27.--Plans are under way for a two-day merry making festival in Missoula May 4 and The first meeting in preparation for the event was launched at a meeting of the board of directors of the chamber of commerce. The program as outlined includes a carnival, possible automobile show, free dancing open houses by Missoula lodges and organizations. THE WEATHER Look out for that new spring hat! For Spokane and vicinity--Tonight and Wednesday occasional rain with moderate temperature. For Washington-Occasional rain tonight and Wednesday; moderate temperature. For Idaho -Unsettled tonight and Wednesday, probably local rains; cooler south portion night. For Montana- Unsettled tonight and Wednesday, probably occasional rain or snow west portion; slightly colder northeast and extreme portions tonight. (Observations for 24-hour period ending 5 a. m.) Min. Max. SPOKANE 44 Boise 44 Chicago 32 Calgary 24 Havre 38 Helena 36 Los Angeles 50 New York 34 Portland 48 St. Paul 32 San Francisco 52 Seattle 44 Walla Walls 44 Yakima 38 PARTY THURSDAY BY NILE PATROL The patrol of El Karnak temple, Daughters of the Nile, will give & card party at 8 p. m. Thursday evening at the Masonic temple. Following the game refreshments will be served. Members of the patrol will be hostesses. Mrs. Arthur Franklin is in charge of reservations. WASTE ROAD TAR BENEFITS SCIENCE WASHINGTON, March 28. (AP)-In waste road tar, the American Chemical society was informed today, there is "great promise" of achieving one of medicine's spectacular goals, a non-habit-forming morphine, Discovery of synthetic musk also was reported, a commercially feasible process to establish new industries in making a sweeter smelling world. Great changes in farming were suggested by the U. 8. bureau of standards in possibilities still in the future of utilizing 100,000,000 tons of pure cellulose, 6,000,000 tons ars and quantities of gums and lignins in the 300,000,000 tons of cornstalks, cotton stalks and straw now thrown away annually. The coal tar-morphine idea is a new tack in the synthesis sponsored by the national research" council jointly with the universities of Virginia and Michigan. The starting point is phenanthrene, a hydrocarbon in tar, now thrown away in road and similar tars. It is too stubborn even for making dyes, but basically bears a striking resemblance to morphine. P. M. VAN DISSEL TAKES OWN LIFE Petrus M. Cartier Van Dissel, 71, for many years in the lumber and merchandising business in Springdale, ended his life there Monday by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. Mr. Van Dissel, in financial difficulty because of poor business, went to a playhouse at the rear of his home and fired the fatal shot. For more than 30 years he had resided. in Stevens county and was widely known over the county. Mr. Van Dissel 1s survived by his widow, Eva, at home; three sons, John and Edward Spokane, and P. M. Jr. at Springdale; three daughters, Mrs. Marie E. DeWaard of New York, Mrs. W. A. E. Wall, British Columbia, and Miss Katherine Van Dissel at the family home. E. F. Cartier Van Dissel, prominent in Spokane Chamber of Commerce work, is a brother. The body was brought to the Hazen & Jaeger parlors here and funeral arrangements are being made. GARLAND SERVICES Funeral services Frank Garland, retired farmer, will be held at 2:30 84, Dartford, pioneer gardener and p. m. Wednesday in Hazen & Jaeger's chapel with the Rev. Donald Glazebrook officiating. Interment will be in the Dartford cemetery. ADVERTISING. Relieve Blood Pressure Kansas City Physician Scores Triumph With Harmless Vegetable Prescription -Remarkable Results Reported Often in Three Days. SENDS TREATMENT ON FREE TRIAL Any one suffering from High Blood Pressure, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sleeplessness, weak, shaky feeling, bad taste, nervousness, pounding of the heart and who fears a paralytic stroke, should write to Dr. Hayes Ass'n., 1494 Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. They will send you a regular one-dollar size of this famous prescription on absolutely Free Trial. If satisfied with results send them $1.00; if not, your report cancels the charge. This prescription 18 a pure, harmless vegetable treatment. While A nonspecific, many cases report symptoms diminish and normal sleep returns within three days. Contains no salts, physics, opiates or dope. Perfectly safe with any treatment you are now using, as it can not conflict. If you suffer from High Blood Pressure write Dr. Hayes Ass'n today.-+ Adv. ADVERTISING. Don't Trifle With Coughs Don't let them get a strangle hold. Fight germs. quickly. Creomulsion combines 7 best helps known to modern science. Powerful but harmless. Pleasant to take. No narcotics. Your druggist will refund your money If any cough or cold, no matter how long standing, is not relieved by Creo-Adv. NANKING, China, March 28. 8 (P) -Lo Wen-Kan, China's foreign minister, asserted today that Japan's withdrawal from the league of nations is "a deliberate attempt to impair the post war machinery for preservation of peace." "Japan's he said, "is tantamount to rejection of the settlement of international disputes by pacific terms, thereby seeking to compel China to accept • whatever terms Japan may dictate." : : the does The not league Japanese to prejudice settle the the withdrawal, dispute authority in however, the of Far East, said Mr. Lo. "On the contrary it enables the league to handle the dispute with greater freedom. Japan will suffer the consequences "ef its defiance of the conscience of civilization." NEr not the same arguments. Here are work program as it was argued before of the American Federation of Labor, as Lewis Douglas as he upheld the , People Law Works IMPLEMENT FIRMS WATCH PRESIDENT NEW YORK, March 28. (P)- - Watching hopefully the administration's efforts to put its "hand to the plow" are the important farm implement companies which expect to transform large deficits into profits if the farm relief plans The debts of the farmers to the companies and their dealers for machinery, etc., are largely listed in the annual reports as "receivables." That payments have been slow in the past few years, due to the sharp drop of farm income, is indicated from the reserves which the companies have set up p against these receivables. GET AN EARFULL FROM STEFFENS An interesting little earfull appears in store for those who hear two addresses to be given here during the Inland Empire Education association convention next week by Lincoln Steffens, world-famous writer and lecturer. For the opening general session of the convention, at the Fox theater, Wednesday morning, April 5, Mr. Steffens will speak on "What the Modern Community Expects of Its Schools." but teachers will be admitted. Mr. Steffens' second address will be given Thursday evening in the Lewis and Clark auditorium and is open to the general public at 50 cents. The subject will be "The I Challenge of the Changing World." McClure's, the American and Everybody's magazines have had him as editor, and his autobiography ranked as a best seller His formal education was long and scattering, polishing off at Berlin, Heidel-| berg, Leipzig and the Sorbonne. in Paris. He was a member litt mission to Russia in 1919. EX-BANKER RESIGNS NEW YORK, March 28. (P)-Resignation of Charles E. Mitchell, former chairman of the National City bank, and Clarence Dillon, of Dillon, Read & Co., from the board of directors of American and Foreign Power company, Inc., was announced today. 10 Calls for Guernsey Cow Mrs. Paul Spiger, Orchard Ave., says: "I had 10 calls for the cow advertised for sale trade and made a very satisfactory trade. While there were not many who wanted to buy I had several good offerade trade." If you want live stock, now is a good time to tell Chronicle classified readers what you have to offer. To place your ad Call Main 1121 and ask for Classified. -Adv. ADVERTISING. Perman For Easter The STANDARD WAVE given by Experienced Operators Executed with the individuality that only skilled beauticlans can Impart. All the curls needed. 25 C Completely Wave Dried 25c BRING A FRIEND - Hollywood Famous Stewart "Push-Up" Paris Vit Sheldon Wave Wave Ware $2.50 .95 $3,00 2 for $2.51 2 for $1.96 2 for $8.01 Shampoo and Set Extra on 10 Wave. Alvetta Marie " $4.50 Reverlu PERMANENT WAVE SHOP 201 PEYTON BLDG. MAIN 6557 Open Every Evenins. Do You 'Hoard' Those who hoard their vitality are wise conserve your health. Feel like a million. Try Chinese Herbs, the natural tonic . . . get rizht. WO WING * Chinese Medicine Co. FREE CONSULTATION. Hours: 10 to 8-Sundays, 10 to 3. N126½ Wall Street, Near Main. action shots of pro and con views of a joint congressional committee. At he said the plan *smacked of faspresident's program. FRENCH PREMIER DEFENDS RAMSAY PARIS, March 28. (P) )-Premier Daladier, supported by today a defended cheering of deputies, Premier MacDonald of Great Britain and Premier Mussolini of Italy against an opposition attack in the chamber on the Italian premier's four-power peace plan. The attack culminated in an expression by Deputy Henry FranklinBouillon, that the "abominable four -power collusion peace between Mr. MacDonald and Signor Mussolini." DEPUTY SHERIFFS WATCH MINE WAR WEST FRANKFORT, Ill., March 28. (AP)-Special deputy sheriffs patrolled Franklin county highways and guarded mines today as the bitter struggle between the United Mine Workers and the Progressive Miners' union centered in the southern Illinois coal fields. One man was killed and two woundled yesterday in a shooting which officers attributed to the turbulent con-| test for supremacy which members of the two unions have waged in Illinois since last summer. Ten persons been killed and more than 100 injured in clashes resulting from the factional fight, which in recent months had centered largely in central Illinois. John Ward, 45, & member of the Progressive Miners' union, was killed in the shooting yesterday. Elmer Cooper, 29, and Clarence Donaldson, 27, both members of the United Mine Workers, were seriously wounded. SPANISH STAGE RIOT VALLADOLID, Spain, March 28. persons were injured today fight in which extremists opposed Catholics and fascists. FEW BUSINESS FAILURES. *KANSAS CITY, March 28. (P)- A decided reduction in business mortality is noted as the outstanding improvement in February by the Federal Reserve bank of Kansas Olty in its monthly review of Tenth district conditions. GLASSES $2.50 Bifocals-$8.50 Eyes Examined- Glasses Fitted Satisfaction Guaranteed. DR. RALPH LAVINE 511 Jamieson Bids. Main 3581. 15 Years in One Location, MOLLISON MUM ON FLIGHT PLAN James LONDON, March 28. (P) A. Mollison, back in London -Captain today from his flight to South America, answered all inquiries guardedly concerning reports which have been current for some time that he and his wife, Amy Johnson, plan a dual long distance flight. "We are going to retire to the 'old farm," said the noted flyer, smiling. The farm is in Australia, where he lived. One report 18 that the couple, each of whom has made numerous spectacular flights, will attempt to set a new long -distance flying record, starting at New York with Bagdad as their goal. WINTER VACATION PROPOSAL IS MADE The proposal of County Commissloner L. C. Thomas that a full month be taken from the summer school vacation period and inserted into the midwinter portion of the school calendar, for the purpose of effecting fuel economies, was taken under advisement by the school board Monday night after a short discussion which showed no member of the board in favor of the plan. The board felt that, in the interest of the children, it would be best to give them all their vacation in the summer. The request of Will Everett and E. L. Rader for permission to hold meetings in the Lewis and Clark auditorium was denied when it was learned that cash collections were planned. FIGHT HIGHER RATES WASHINGTON, March 28. (AP)The National Lumber Manufacturing association and the National sociation today asked the interstate commerce commission to cancel the authority given the railroads to continue increased freight, rates, The two associations filed a petition asking that the case be reopened and the surcharges. abolished. ADVERTISING. FACE LOOKED VERY BAD Rash Caused Eruptions. Healed by Cuticura. "I had a rash come on my face and neck. Finally it turned Into little blotches and was very severe. used to rub, and when I did, it caused sore eruptions and my face looked very bad. It bothered me considerably when I went to bed, and it used to be an hour or 'two before I could sleep. "My son advised Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some. I got instant relief from the irritation, and after using part of a cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Bridget Durran, 204 8th St., So. Boston, Mäss. Rely on Cuticura Soap and Ointment to keep your skin clear. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 10e. Taleam Me, Sold One sample Dept each free. THAT UPSET MORNING FEELING YOU HAVE Nine Chances in Ten It's "Acid Stomach"! How You Can Easily Correct It According to many authorities, some 80% of the people of today have acid stomach. This because so many foods, comprising the modern diet, are acid forming foods. It usually makes itself felt in sour stomach, indigestion, headaches, nausea, "gas," most frequently in stomach pains" that come about So thirty minutes after eating. you can easily tell if you have it. Now Quickly and Easily Corrected If you do have acid stomach, don't worry about it. You can correct it in a very simple manner. Just do this. It will alkalize your acid soaked stomach almost immediately. You will feel like another person. TAKE -2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia with a glass of water every morning when you get up. another teaspoonful thirty minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. What This Does That's all you do. But you do it regularly, EVERY DAY, so long as you have any symptoms of distress. This acts to neutralize the stomach acids foster your "upset" stomach, that invite headaches and that feeling of lassitude and lost energy. it. Results will amaze you. Your head will be clear. You'll forget you have a stomach. BUT--be careful that you get REAL milk of magnesia when you buy; genuine PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia. See that the name "Phillips" is stamped clearly on the label. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at drug stores everywhere. Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. PHILLIPS'- PI PHILLIPS' For due to INDIGESTION Troubles Acid SOUR HEARTBURN STOMACH Milk of Magnesia CONSTIPATION NAUSEA Neutralizes Food and Tobacco Acids a few minutes after taking.