DEGREES AWARDED Jane Densiow 2:1 Lynnette 2:2 Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Geography and History Rhiannon Lucinda Tiltman 2:1 Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Geography and Sociology Jane Penfold 2:1 Peter Philip 2:2 Degree of Bachelor of Arts In and Rollglous Studies Jane Price 2:2 Degree of Bachelor of Arts in and Sociology Edward MacDougall 2:2 Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Humanities Ann Adams 2:2 Sara Louise 2:2 Sarah Bridgeman 2:1 Calvert 1 st Brett James Davies Kerry John Dickson 2:2 Judith Downie 2:1 Claire Heather Doy 2:1 Terri Emily White Williams 2:1 2:2 The Diploma Humanities Dean Wyatt TIm Dogma Humanities Anthea Casey Cunningham Foroutan-Esfahani 2:2 The Degree Humanities Caroline Wyn Burke Tracy Dawn Coombs 2:2 Tonia Marie Hunt 2:1 2:2 Wiktoria Sophie Victoria