Some people make fun of Populists and say hayseeds don't know anything forgetting the while that Washington 'ami "Jefferson were tlie first farmers to reTuse paying tribute to a king. Pod- ulisti of to-day are refusing to pi.y tribute to king shylock. i m s. The Populist ticket failed to receive votes enough to el set it at tho last election. So did Fremont fail to bo elected president several vears ago The cause that forced the ticket before the neoole never went down in either ease, hence the effucl is liable to bring about similar results. Greenbacks were good enough to "pav the soldier boys and save tho nation, and they had n gold reserve bo hind them, cithor- This gold reserve business is and has been merely a scheme of old shylock's to rob and plunder the government and the people. tree Trader , - . the of ing. Hold-red tons will Lnd-deu at cash of the