Jews of County Join World- Wide Protests Over Million Jews in United Resolution of Protest AdoptStates Gather in Mass ed by County Jewish Meetings. People. RUSSIA JOINS MOVE PROTESTS ENDORSED (By United Press) Sporadic attacks on Jews were reported in Germany today, but the Nazi party organization postponed a repressive campaign of retaliation in the hope that "atrocity propaganda" abroad would halt. More than 1,000,000 Jews and Gentiles gathered at mass meetings thru the United States last night to hear Christian and Jewish leaders denounce anti-Semitism. Former Governor Alfred E. Smith, one of the speakers at the New York meeting, pleaded against religious bigotry and declared "there is no difference be(Continued on 3rd Page, Col. 4) Protest against the persecution of Jews in Germany under the Hitler regime was made by resolution of a mass meeting of Shamckin and Sunbury Jewish people at Temple Beth El, Sunbury, last night. These resolutions followed a program of spirited addres: by Rabbi Samuel Horowitz, of Temple Beth El; Rabbi Chasin. of Shamokin; Warren Gutelius, of Northumberland, and Rev. Chester W. Todd, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Sunbury. Attorney Sidney Markley, of Sunbury, presided. (Continued on 3rd Page, Col 6)