FRANKFORT.I: was roted to raise $2000 to be expended no the roads. It wan voted to build u school house in distriot No4. It was voted to raise $220), to defray the rüuning expenses of the town. J. T. Rowe, J. E. Spragues and Owen Sueny were appointed building sous, to superinteud the building of a school house in district No 4. The town weeting took place Mouday March 4th, Moderator, A. C. Kennedy. The following officers were elected: Selectmeu, D. 'K. Drake; Edwurd Trundy; Joel Lane; Town Agent, D. K. Drake; Town Treas, A. W. Hopkins, Jr,; Supervisor of Schools, Mrs. A. M. K. Treat: Constable, J. W. Hadies: Tax Collector, 8. J. Crockett; J. T. Rowe was elected auditor for the ensuiux year, also a member of the Board of Health. Geo. Peirce, J. T. Rowe, F. S. Tyler, D. K. Drako and E. C. West were chosen to insport tho bridge and make the needed repairs or contraot for the building of a iron one. It was voted to raise $1 J. to be given to that committee to use as they sue fit. I