eoday Prayer for R000eveh Germany's Boycott Money Front Gambling ' The Dead Alan's Hand vemoomemomome - By Arthur Brisbane If LtMl flL April 4—Interedin1 meeting in a great New York auditorium—John D Rockefeller built the hall Cardinal Reyes chief of the Catholic kderarthy in New Yorit occupied a ISM ot honor Protestant and Jewish clergymen spoke The gathering t of different faiths was brought about by a decree of Pope Ma XL declaring this lusty year Former Governer fAlfre'd X iknith 'asked the nation to bnPlont special divine gtddance for President Rome- welt anel to way tor 44en uprooting ef bigotry and opiesesiolL"- ' The Rev S Parkes Cadman 'Inter preted the gathering u American recognition ot President Roosevelt's tor a batter national Ma as as of the exhortation of the pope President Itoosevelt wu repreeented by Postmaster-General Parley' Fortner Governor 8mfth In his address predicted that "the position of the pope In respect to universal peace - must eventually be asaumed by all nations and by all peoples as the fundamental principles of right think-Many believe that deeper religious eonviction will help end the depresston 11ERftM 'rho Government now going ahead with its plan to employ 260000 Idle the forests will establish 1000 or more forest camps each to accommo date from one tO two hundred workers by July L loch State win send ita quota of workety to these slums 'rhe establishment bt the camps let nit hope t Will be done more economically than such work wu done by al ' a yen' places of the big war This Is a war but not one tor dollar-a: year petroitio squandering 0 The wiser men in Germany are endeavoring to inoderate the anti-Jewish boycott Zven the lower stratum in rats and religious hatred shows less violence Boycotting placards attached to Jewish shops no longer use the words "Beware of the Jew" or "Danger—Jew atm" and black and yellow quarantine signs are no longer attached to Jewish premises M10140WEI016 Germans of Jewish blood Couldi teach race hatred s useful lesson It it Were possible for all to leave Germany with their property and their important enterprises simultaneously But that is out of the question It is probable that many of the r younger Jews with impcstant industrial coniniercial and scientMe work ahead of them will leave Germany They will be missed The alleged seizure of Professor lineteires $7000 bank account la not worthy of Germany's traditions - Florida not the fact that three horse racing and seven dog racing associations have paid to the State this year $710000 in commission on betting That la gratifying But to get the $710000 men and women in Florida had to bet at least 823000000 practically all of which went to the eambling promoters and the betting operations Racetrack bettors do not with profits They stop when they must because their money is gone That to not se gratifying 1 President Roosevelt utilises the credit of the Government to reduce intereet ratee on farm mortgages' 'from 4 and 7 per cent to a maximum et 4 1-2 per cent" In this State of Piarida the legal and usual rate is I per cent The same is true of other States Government mortgages end private mortgages on farms will be financed by Miming two or three thousand millions dollen of low mterest bearing Government securities that will be exchanged for the mortgages The owners of the mortestres should be glad Many of them will It good security in place of mortgages that could not have been collected 0 -T Prayer for Germany's 13 Money From The Dead 1114 Dy'Arthu MIAMI PLA4 mooting in a aro torium—John D hilt Cardinal Catholic bisrarthl cupled a seat ot and Jewish clert gathering t at - brought shout by Pits XL declarth Fortner Ooverni inked the nation diving guidance t 1114 to tet1 et bigotry and op The Rev 11 Pa prat(' the with( recognition ot eall tor a better i as ot ths ?resident Rome - by Postmaster-0e mar Governor Sir ' predicted that "I POP 800nect - must eventually In tions and by all damental principl Many believe ti aonviction will ht $ ton - The Oovernmen with its plan to i hi the forest& mart bored eampi date trom sme tO ars July ate quota ot work establishment US 11018 Will be tally than such ts yam' imamate at Is a war but no year patroitic squ The wiser men demoting to mode boycott Zven th race and religlow violemce Boyoot tached to Jewish the words "Sews "Danger—Jew ate - yellow quarantine attached to Jewisl — Germans of J teach race hatred It were possible t4 many with their important enterpr But that is out o It is probable younger Jews wit trial commercial ahead ot them They will be miss The alleged seizt stein 's $7000 bal worthy of Oertm — Florida not t home racing and relations have pa year $710000 in t ting That is the $710000 men Ida had to bet practically all of gambling promote operations Racet Imre with profits they must beast gone That ts — President Root eredit of the Go Interest ratee 'from I and 7 prc et 4 1-2 per cent" In this State ta and usual rate b same is true of otl ment mortgages at on farms wilt be two or three Um lars of low mten ment murales tilt for the mortgages mortgages should them will get good mortgages that o collected 'frOday ' Prayer for Roobeveh - ' Germany's'Boycott '''' " -":' - Money Front Gambling2 '