WANT ADS--TELEPHONE 2000 REDWOOD CITY (CALIF.) TRIBUNE: FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10, 1941 PAGE SEVEN The Carlos Theater Boasts Two Complete Air Circulation Systems S.F. Decorator Responsible for Job Chevalas, of the Vogue William in San Francisco, is to Studios be congratulated on the lavish of the decorations of the Carlos Theater, the combeauty result of the colors used bined the general effect that is and one of streamlined modernity de luxe, rose and gold have been Blue, effectively combined in wall and ceiling motifs, with seats done hand-cut mohair of green, in against the fluorescent carpet and gold, black and tan. of rose CONGRATULATIONS TO HOWARD MOODY, Manager New Carlos Theatre LOOK! A Completely Automatic RCA Victrola (RADIO PHONOGRAPH) at the Lowest Price in History! 1941 RCA VICTROLA MASTER MODEL V-170 $9950 Allowance on Your $15.00 Old Radio or Phonograph Automatic Record Changer for 10 or 12-inch Records Enjoy the convenience of uninterrupted concerts! New Stabilized Electric Tuning Selectany of6 stations instantly at the push of a button! Plus all these features! • American and Foreign Reception • 6RCA Victor Preferred Type Tubes : 2 Built-in Magic Loop An.ennas; 1 forforeign programs; 1 for domestic. • Supersensitive 12" Speaker and Automatic Tone Compensation Circuits designed for record reproduction. Designed for use with television or frequency modulation attachments. LOOK FOR THIS TRADEMARK BEFORE YOU BUY! The famous "His Master's Voice" trademark identifies the one and only RCA -the quality in• strument great artists choose! For finer radio performance- -RCA Victor Preferred Type Tubes Low Monthly Payments at BLIGHT'S Music - Gifts 567 LAUREL ST. SAN CARLOS PHONE 60 Theater Contractor J. B. ALLEN The arches leading to the auditorium from the luxurious main foyer are hung with drapes of turquoise velvet, and the soft lighting of the indirect new lucite tubing blends the color tones to muted harmonies. J. B. Allen San Carlos Man Builder Of Theater J. B. Allen, general building| contractor of San Carlos, was engaged by Fox West Coast The-| aters last May for the construetion of the new Carlos Theater, and today is being congratulated on the building which gave work to more than 100 men. Most of these men were local workers, residents of San Carlos, augmented by technicians and experts in sound and other theater requirements who came from San Francisco and the Bay District to superintend the installation of special features. Allen has added greatly to his reputation by the accomplishment of this big job, having already become the possessor of an enviable record for his other local projects, among them the Manual Arts School in San Mateo and the new addition to the Sequoia High School. A huge task, and one that required careful planning and detailed care in execution, the decorating of the Carlos Theater is la gem of execution. Hilde and Bert Fiebelman SAN C CARLOS VARIETY STORE Next to the Post Office Wish Success to Howard Moody and The Carlos Theatre San Carlos Bakery featuring Golden State Milk Co. Products in Their Baking and at Their Fountain E Invites You To Stop In G N After the Show GO SAN CARLOS BAKERY 1148 San Carlos Ave.-Phone 791 A OUR MOST SINCERE T 409 CONGRATULATIONS We of Local 409 of the IATSE, representing the International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Motion Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada, are proud of our many years' association with the Fox West Coast Theatres on the Peninsula, and take this opportunity of expressing our most sincere good wishes for their continued success. We wish to compliment the Fox Organization on the completion of their beautiful new Carlos Theatre, which is truly an outstanding contribution to San Carlos' civic pride, and extend our hand in congratulating Mr. Howard Moody, its manager. The Fox West Coast Theatres have endeavored to provide every known facility in projection and comfort for its operative personnel and we in turn have striven to reciprocate by offering the best of our years of experience, in the technical fundamentals of picture projection and sound reproduction, to insure you perfect entertainment. No Draft Heating, Ventilating System of Latest Type One c of the features of which Fox West Coast Theaters' management is particularly proud in the new Carlos Theater is the heating, and ventilating system. last word in modernity and completeness, the theater contains two complete giant heating plants. One in the basement furnishes hot air in the coldest weather, with two outlets in the main foyer, and the other, which has been installed above the marquee, has a great blower system that warms, cools, and ventilates the theater. Fresh air is taken in from above the marquee, warmed, thoroughly washed by the great blower, and sent, removed of all germs and dust particles, throughout the theater. It is the first system of its type in the West. Differing from the old type of ventilation, this down-draft type eliminates sudden blasts of hot or cold air and keeps the theater air clean and sweet at all times, warmed to the proper temperature. Objectionable odors and stale air are drawn downward, through apertures in the floor, and the fresh air drawn past the faces of the seated audience, taking with it all particles of dust and germs. Of the most perfected type, this equipment was installed at great cost, automatically controlled to insure evenness of heat and coolness in all weathers. In the main foyer are two great circulating heaters, behind ornamental grills, to temper 1 the cold air from the outside, as patrons enter and leave through the main entrances. Ladies' Lounge, Powder, Room Features Comfort One of the interesting features for comfort in the new Carlos Theater is the ladies' lounge and powder room, which is situated beyond the foyer, at the left of the paneled rotunda. Decorated in rose and gold, with very handsome streamlined chromium lighting equipment, spacious mirrors, and a carpet of luscious depths and rich de-| sign, these two rooms have been equipped with everything to give a note of cleanliness, comfort and luxury to milady as she stops to powder before entering or leaving the showhouse. A dressing or vanity table is equipped with long ornamental neon tubing to make for indirect lighting comparable to daylight, insuring soft and accurate reflection in the great French plate mirror above the table. CAI CARLOS • THEATRE SAN CARLOS - PHONE 67 Starts 12:00-2:45-5:35 Continuous Performance PRICES 8:20-11:15 DOORS OPEN 30c SAT., SUN, TILL 5 11:45 A.M. BOTH SAT. TOMORROW and TILL 2 SUNDAY SUN. SAME PROGRAM ON MONDAY EVENING PLUS TAX MARX THE ZAPOT for LAFFS... LOUD LAFFS LONG LAFFS BEAUTIFUL GALS, TOO And Music You'll Love MARX BROTHERS Three on Mad the Loose in 5 BIG SONG HITS! Treen the Land of the Base Tou Cant Wan Love JOHN CARROLL the BARRAT ROBERT M-G-M Picture MAN WHO and PRODUCED THE "THE THE JACKPOT HITS ELLEN DICK DREW POWELL CHRISTMAS IN JULY" * •William Demarest Sturges Raymond. Truex- Written and Directed by Preston Paramount 7:10-10:00 1:35-4:25 To Arrange Best Features A resident of San Carlos for the past three years, James Chapman ("Jimmy" to his many friends) will have the task of furnishing patrons of the beautiful new Carlos Theater with future picture selections. He is head booker for the Peninsula district of Fox West Coast Theaters. Chapman has been a member of the booking staff for the theaters for many years and will take a personal interest in selecting bills for the new theater that will reflect credit on his organization and bring local play- 'Mystery' Fountain In Foyer Situated in the main foyer of the new Carlos Theater is the "mysterious" drinking fountain. Ornate in design, this fountain needs no hand to touch a valve, yet you will find there is no stream of water running when you approach the fountain. As you stoop over to drink, the water automatically rises, literally turning itself on. The mystery of this is the "electric eye," which operates automatically. Local Photographers Made Carlos Layouts Murray's Studio, located at 2063 Broadway, in Redwood City, handled the assignment of reproducing the exterior pictures of the eight Peninsula theaters on page 8 of this section. The interior pictures of the Carlos Theater, on page 5 of this section, as well as the actual layout, were made by Cyril J. Glunk, also of Redwood City, who was formerly an artist for the theaters. goers all the major attractions that the metropolitan citizens enjoy throughout the year. CONGRATULATIONS 040.00 FOX los the tion Upon of tion date most WEST the Theatre finest your of up - installa- comple- COAST Car- and to and Mo- - tion Picture Projection Equipment that our 25 years of motion picture experience has known. We know you will take great pride upon the presentation of pictures on this projection equipment just as we take pride upon presenting for our customers home movies on the latest home movie equipment in our "LITTLE SEQUOIA THEATRE" Sequoia Camera Shop HOME MOVIE HEADQUARTERS 2376 Broadway Redwood City--Phone 83 Congratulations to ELMER HANKS SUPERINTENDENT OF CONSTRUCTION, FOX WEST COAST THEATRES 40 The New AND Carlos Theater We Furnished the Heating & Ventilating Systems Carlos Aladdin Heating Corp. 2222 SAN PABLO AVE.- CONGRATULATIONS SAN CARLOS and HOWARD MOODY 040:00 Manager of the New Your from Carlos Dealer CHEVROLET Theatre DAVIES E Care * Carlos AUTO CO. 1502 El Camino Real Redwood City * Phone 1081