For The Cause Oi Humanity Arguments for and against liberalization of this country’s immigration laws to come before the 80th Congress will follow familiar patterns but they will be presented with a new sense of urgency President Truman promised the General Assembly of the United Nations more than a month ago that he would ask Congress to “authorize the United States to do its full part” in accepting European refugees Some patriotic organizations are announcing their intention of opposing any liberalization at this time because of the pressing need for veteran housing prolonged shortage of consumer goods and fear of an impending depression Advocates of freer immigration will point to UNRRA’s approaching end with well over a million displaced persons still in need of relief in Europe alone They will use the sound argument that more people make more jobs and broaden the market for consumer goods that refugees appreciative of opportunity offered in this country will bring us new talent and needed skills The American Legion called last year for a 50 per cent cut in immigration quotas A resolution adopted at the 1946 convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars favored complete suspension of all immigration for a period of 10 years President General of the DAR’s has registered her organization’s conviction that immigration must be kept rigidly within present quotas until supply equals demand for durable goods which we have come to consider necessities in keeping with our high standard 1 of living A world that is struggling back on the road to peace must remember the hundreds of thousands of people who have the right to sanctuary Many of the displaced peoples will return to the lands of their birth But after all possible repatriations have been carried out there will remain an estimated 750000 refugees who are unwilling for various reasons to return to their native countries It is their critical plight which must move thinking people to temper hard practicality with human compassion The International Refugee Organization finds difficult sledding chiefly because of Russian opposition About 17 per cent of the DP's are of the Jewish faith and according to Mr LaGuardia's estimate most of them desire resettlement in Palestine But the bulk of remain- liavs Russia