VOLUME 105. - NO. 29. FAMOUS HOTEL PROPERTY S MORNING m The Old Three Mile House Reduced to Mass , oi Ruins. ; y is HELP SUMMONED FROM THIS CITY Liberty Fire Company Assists in Saving Stables and Sur - , rounding Property. Fire, believed to have been of incendiary origin, completely destroyed the Three - Mile House, Shillington, . one , of ihe best known road houses in the county, early this morning. About 1.15 o'clock this morning the bartender and servants, who were alone '.n the building, were awakened by smoke and, in a short time, It became bo stilling as to nearly choke them. They hurriedly dressed and, going down stairs, found the building completely en - veloped in flames. Such was the progress of the blaze that, In a short time, their escape would have been shut off and they would have perished. The proprietor of the hostelrie was away and he does not know of the destruction of his property. In less than an hour the entire building w as destroyed, and there was danger that the stables, a short distance av.ay, and which have sheltered some " f. - .mous racing horses, were threatened. When the stage was reached help was asked from this city andthe Liberty Fire Company responded with Its apparatus. : The communication of the foiaza to the stables was prevented. Those who were early on the scene did all they could to check the flames, but as there Is no fire protection in the borough little could be done beyond organizing a bucket brigade, ft is a. . t - il by those who got to the building soon after the fire was discovered that there was a strong odor of coal oil about the place. This, togother with tho fa.t that the fire spread so rapidly, even while little could be done to check the spread of the blaze, lead to the belief that it was of incendiary origin. While the fire was at its height the lioat was so intense that the electric wires and trolley wires were burned off. As there was danger of some persons being electrocuted a message was sent to this city requesting that the power b shut off.