Dor-leac Cadi-erne Mote Loses Singer-Wife and TV Job Yrimns King and band leader Del Courtney ended their marriage Monday each diming the other Neither contested the actiQQjmd both charged extrema cruelty As a result of the divorce Courtney also lost his Job as data producer business manager and cohost of tha FunUy television show which Yvorme and 38 other members of the family Courtney a San Fhmdsco Bay ana band leader ta court hut the King sisters ehoir troupe Dlddn-son's 2-lbs Through her attorneys she said a community property esreement had been reached and aha waived alimopy Mils King 45 said in a sworn declaration that Courtney wai an unpleasant stepfather for her two children atlfnoin a previous marriaze to - 1 - - - tin lata pianist Buddy Cole Courtney 55 testified she had told him ahe loved him and that she had dieted tinman She wanted to be her Abu husband MARTINEZ (AV-Sieg'erdeecribed