Former Renegade coach DelPiano is enjoying his new role as a scout By Ken McMillan Poughkeepsie Journal The scene was familiar, but something was markedly different. It was a Sunday afternoon and. there was Marc DelPiano sharing baseball stories, greeting people and enjoying his time with the Hudson Valley Renegades. The only thing missing was the uniform. * DelPiano was on hand in Auburn to meet with friends he had gained: when he served as hitting coach for the Renegades in 1994, His visit to Falcon Park, however, was in a scouting capacity, a profession he decided to pursue following the season: "I had to make decisions as far as my' overall development and where I see myself five, six, seven years down the road," said DelPiano. "Right. now scouting is the avenue I want to pursue. "To be the best area scout, in baseball is my goal. I want to continue that process and apply the same work ethic in scouting as I did in coaching.' DelPiano's visit to Auburn was, special for a couple reasons. It: gave him a chance to catch up with Hudson Valley manager Bump: Wills, who worked with the Renegades last season in a roving coach. role, it gave him a chance to watchhis lone amateur draft signing, Renégade pitcher Charles Bauer, It was also an opportunity to return to his hometown and visit his family. "It was great getting a chance to visit with Bump and talk baseball," said DélPiano. "I love to pick his brain about the way he manages, how he approaches the game and how he interacts with the players." DelPiano took special pride in Renegades notebook "I was surprised there was no static," Bates said. "1 would have discovering Bauer, a non high pro- hated to see guys going after peofile pitcher out of Rensselaer and ple's heads (with pitches)." •NCAA Division: Il's. College of St. No teenage problems Jason Rose, Johnson is one of three Renegades "I' saw him pitch three or four who have not reached their 20th D DelPiano said. "He showed birthday, but he doesn't feel un times," me a lot of intangibles that I think easy about playing in a league with are necessary, I think one day he'll : so many players older than him. pitch in the big leagues because of "The league 1 played in last year his heart, his work ethic and ability (Gulf Coast League), there were a to control hi thought process." lot of high school guys," Johnson said. "It's not a jump for me (to doesn't bother DelPiano. "Even Garnering just one draft signing the New York Penn League). It's the same fastballs, same curvethough you go all those miles, it's balls. It's that the still worth it when you get a chance just pitchers are house and sign a a lot 'smarter here." to get in their Bump's priorities - Wills said he player," he said. wants to find playing, time for more .DelPiano's scouting territory in- Johnson and Kelly Stratton in the cludes eight states, so it's no won- outfield, but that's, been difficult der he's 45,000 miles by car since Mandell. Echols has driven been; and flown another 12,000 since tak- swinging a good bat of late and the ing his new job. He has recently' everyday status of Scott Podsednik spent a lot of time watching four (who missed his first start July 6 teams in the South against Pittsfield) and Danny VasAtlantic League. quez. "1 miss coaching," he. said. "Y Wills also said he wants to see miss being on the field. I miss the more of No. 5 pick Rod Walker and camaraderie with the guys." Ryan Gorecki in the infield. Only' Calling all. Chilefs All former Billy Reed and. Nathan: Vopata* players for• the Poughkeepsie have been playing well at shortstop Chiefs are invited to next Sunday's and second base. home game against Williamsport, Check it out - Renegades pitchwhen they will be honored. All ing coach Steve Foucault. never players should get in contact with started a pro game, but did once in Renegades general manager Skip a Dominican Republic winter Weisman (838-0094) prior to that. league game in 1973, How did he day. do? -"I pitched a complete game 'No payback More than a couple and won the game 2-1," he said, people were. startled to see knowing there was little' opportuPittsfield's Terrence, Long swipe nity to check up on the stats. second base with the Mets already Wise words Adds Foucault: "I leading the Renegades, 10-2, in the tell the kids it doesn't matter how July 6 game at Wahconah Park. much success you .have in this However, there was no retribution league (as far as) whether you go from the Renegades, and Mets' up. or don't go.up. It's what you outfielder Fletcher Bates was learn and what' kind of ability you thankful. have."