BjLfJ SZfj: T rV Ii BERLIN. April 1. iTN'i. , special de-ective squad fron office cf Capt. Hermann wr.Sel: ; Goenr.g. minister without per j folio in the H'.tler cabinet, tod. seized Prcf. Albert Einstein's 5,0 i marks 'about $l,2C0i bank a, j count in a Berlin bank and al ! 25 000 marks in securities. I The Prussian Academy Sciences announced today that .-1 had received a letter of resign ', t:on from Einstein, stating he wv unable to serve the Prussian stat : under the present government Prof. Einstein also resigned f 1 co-presidency of the Kaiser P helm Institute. BRUSSELS, April 1. (AP.) Reports of treatment inflicted his married daugh'er m Germ. P:of- ,A:bPrtf ,um world famous physicist, to resol e,ve.up h:s i,",maa natl0Eal it was learned today. Prof. Einstein and his wi'e U taking quarters in a quie K Coq Sur Mer, r.ear Off !. j