GOVERNOR YOUNG MAKES POSSIBLE SALARY INCREASE Government Bill Make* Provi sion For Increase In Staffs and Salaries. The Ventura County Government was signed today by Gov. C. C. Young, according to n telegram today from, Esto Broughton, Oxnard ' Courier capitol news correspondent, at Sacramento. This bill authorizes the sheriff to employ deputies, and to increase hi; staff. Sheriff Clark, in anticipation of the final signing, has already appointed his extra men. The bill also authorizes increases in salary and staff of all county offices as recommended by the Ventura County Grand Jury. These recommendations were Introduced in the last legislature and the signing o£ the bill will enable the officers to receive additional salary. If the necessity should arises another deputy district attorney can be appointed under a provision of this new bill. Previously all salary increases and increases in. the staffs of county officers had to go separtely but this time :ill the recommendations were included in one bill. in to