RIVAL VOICE AND BRAWN Nebraska University Debaters Beady for Interstate Contest. rCIT BALL SCHEDULE IS COMPLETE tatereolleclata Board at Coatral May Be Asked ta Settle Dtsaate with Wlseoasla Badgers Ara Blamed. (Trom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 27. (Special Telegram.) The principal and alternate debaters to represent the University of Nebraska In tbe Interstate debates bas been chosen as follows by the Judges of the recent local preliminary contest: To dobate with Colorado: N. M. Cronlng, Sutton; Charles Kutcher, Sheridan, Wyo.; T. A. Maxwell, Lincoln. Alternate, J. F. Tobln, Lincoln. The men who will meet Missouri are: C. M. Bracelln, Humboldt; J. C. Doubt, University Place; S. C. Hawthorne, Arcadia. The alternate is G. A. Lee of Humboldt. To meet Missouri: C. P, Craft, Aurora; W. F. Meier, Crete; C. C. North, Lapeer. The alternate Is F. M. Hunter of Blue Rsplds, Kan. It Is likely the Intercollegiate Athlette Board of Control will be asked to settle the dispute between the foot ball managers of Nebraska and Wisconsin universities. It is claimed here that tbe Wisconsin authorities have failed to fulfill their agreement for a game with the Cornhuskers during the season of 1901. Manager Engel says he has a memorandum, signed by the Wiscon sin manager, making this agreement Three letters to arrange a date Were Ignored by the Wisconsin manager and finally word was receivod that all available dates had been filled. Tries for Next Year. Chairman Wler of the University athletic board will make an effort to secure a game with tbe Badgers for the season of 1903 on the strength of this agreement, and if be falls, all diplomatic relations between the, foot ball teams of tbe two Institutions will be severed. The Nebraska aohedule has "been com pleted and is as follows: September 20 Lincoln High school at Lincoln. September 77 uoane college at Lincoln. October 4--Colorado university at Boulder. October 11 Grlnnell college at Lincoln. October 18 Minnesota university at Min neapolis. October 25 Missouri university aU' St. Joseph. riovemner i nasxeu inniana at uraans, November 8 Kansas university at Lin coln. November 16 Knox college at Lincoln. November 27 Northwestern university at Lincoln.