Tapscott Building Ornament to Broadway . .The Tapscott Building on the Northeast corner of Droadtcay and Nineteenth street is rapidly approaching completion, and will be. an ornament to that section of the city.. The walU of the.' building are up and the structure is entirely enclosed, though the finishing, inside and out, remains to be done. This has taken more time than was originally esti-mated because of the. high class of work that is being installed by Mr. Tapscott. The latest ideas in interior furnishing are being used. Everything tcill be plate glass throughout, and the inside office space will be as light as the offices facing on the street." A market will occupy the lower floor, and the Standard Oil Company has leased the ejntire top floor. E. iV. Tapscott, the owner, is one of the principal realty operators on the eastern side of the bay, and has done much toward the upbuilding of this section. . ' ' :, a . swassawsBtw '"'w'aw"-..-" -. , . . n