REPUTATION MADE IN FINE STOVES Stoves and ranges are a "natural" with the well Known furniture house of E. Bercovich & Son, 13th and Clay, says Albert Bercovich, because it was largely on its reputation in this field that the firm established its business 30 years ago. "When my father, Edward Bercovich, and I started this business we built up a reputation for having the best used stoves in town," Bercovich said today, "and many furniture stores sent their customers here when they wanted good used stoves. "In our well-equipped home appliance department we carry a complete line of all types of appliances, and naturally we indorse the Spark range, which we have sold for many years. The new 4-in-Line Spark is, we believe, a grand range in every respect, and we are happy to show it to our customers." Two other sons, Harry and Sam, are associated with their father in this business.