- THK REGII.M'K. Second In cost and of prime Importance in its particular class is the ttcgllhjs, an apartment house of slg-nillcant Italian name, located' on he shore of Lake Merrltt at the corner of sNlneteencfi and Jackson streets. P. A, PalmerUs owner and constructing engineer. The architect is Willis C. Lowe. 1 When cortiploted this will be a magnificent and sightlV. structure. The space occupied is bS feet 6 Inches by lp feet 8 inches. There are eight floors, with five apartments of 5 and ti rooms to each floor. Tt is located on the old Schilling place and in addition; to the commodious apartments, tenants will have the advantage of . the well-known gardens of this place, wRIch will be open to children Jiving in apartments at the R'egillus. The estimated cost of the' building is $450,000, and It VHl probably exceed ;.;hat. amount when completed. " . t