RAONER AP IS. OPEN T TO VISITORS ,'Tho opening today of the fcadner apartments located at 125 Park 1 View Terrace just ott Grand Ave nue, affords the opportunity to Inspect an apartment buildlftg strictly modern In facilities and construction. The house contains 14 two-room, units, rurnisneo, ana ,un furnished. " C. W. - fcntut owner and builder. - ''.Describing' the bulldint, ancf states: "Every feature through out is strictly standard, workman ship is of a high order, but no attempt has been made at unnecessary embellishment.- Permanence, convenience and good taste are everywnere empnasized. ourl : ... ... . Kitcnens are completely equippedl with uoncealo built-in fixtures; Keivinator refrigeration has been Radner Apartments Just Off Gratid Avenue ,. . Tb adner apartments are open tot inspection today.'. The structure jpVvJu..Wr" room units -ana it particularly-wen equipped, oucn features as rveivinaior rerrigeration, tonceaio duih- .ruded. . Th. nouse ) located at' vtj Park View -,. f.-.. I C. . I. 1 'IT. . I Jf.'JI iii nxiures ana opt-" )ja l op sioves n a ve ... m terracD. C. W. Short is the owner and builder. Aveiiiie The Piedmont of East OaKland l j Overlooking an Empire From Avenue Terrace you gaze upon a veritable empire the "Empire of the Golden Gate" a great bay; wealthy cities with onefourth of the Golden State's population. You can enjoy this magnificent view from your own living room window. Avenue Terrace also offers you central location, low prices and highly protective restrictions. See this exceptional property today. iirl iX TOO 0 : ). :iu?f mil - nrn? Installed; - the popular Spark-Lid I Top stoves were selected, while hot water la supplied from a central I system which also supplies steam I heat for the building. The break fast nooks are cheerfully papered I and furnished, opening '. through French doors to the large living Irootn. Here, two-toned; enamel finishes set off the subdued, but I none the less tasteful, wallpaper selections, and N the ' furniture, draperies and carpets complete a true homelike atmosphere. The large dressing closets have dressers I and mirrors, carpeted floors, Mar shall steams peas, and an addi tional door opening into the bath room, the latter a most decided I convenience. Bathrooms have the I best of standard-fixtures, includ ing a shower, and are floored with tile. Hardware was selected from the best manufactured, and was supplied by the Smith Hardware boxes equip the entrance." ; GRAND E N AGES ARE T, POINTED . OUT "For ' beauty, comfort, : convenience and utility, it will be hard to jlval the pleasure of living In La Casa Grande," says J. H. Sommer-ville of. the Fred Wood Company, who States that they will soon begin the construction of- this beautiful, apartment- home building, Sommerville said: "People of today demand Con venlences that will, give the maximum of comfort and modern advanced ideas in home planning. La Trade Atlas by Commerce Dept. The possibilities to greatly increased efficiency and economy in the distribution of groceries and other merchandise in various sec tions of the United States are re vealed in a trade atlas Issued to day by the Department of Com merce. The atlas was designed prl- month, . In, ' IVta . rrm r 1 1 tr .1 a though it Is also of value to many allied lines and was prepared with the cooperation of the largest grocers associations In the coun try, who have enthusiastically rec ommended it to Hheif members, One prominent executive 01 a-' wen-known company has estimated the probable savings for the trade and consumers .by the introduction of more economical sales methods thrpugh the use of the atlas at not less than $5,000,000. : ' . Southern Pacific comjany has been' granted ' authority by uie Railroad Commission to abondon its non-agency station oi i'ltoti-burg ot ot of ot a' In of