$160,000 AFARTMENTSMILL iBE EREtTED IN THIS CITY .' ' -, "- The perfect apartment house has, ar-1 rived in Oakland or, rather, .the i construction of one has been undertaken and inside of a year It will be extending Its ' blessings to a select company of patrons who will marvel at the 'comfort which may be enjoyed in such a place of abode. This new hostelry Is to be known as the Peralta Apartments, . thus perpetuating the name of the celebrated Spanish family which once owned the broad acres upon which Oakland and nearly all the towns of Alameda: count? have since been established. The Peralta Apartments will be . located at the northeast corner of Thirteenth ' and Jackson streets. They will have a frontage on Thirteenth street of J30 feet and on Jackson street of 130 feet.1 The structure wlil be of brick and of the mtssion style of architecture, with a blending of more modern features. "which will enhance the sentiment arid attractiveness of r the, design. On the northeast comer of the lot there will be an L-shaped structure for a water plant. '.'! The site' Is one of the. most beautiful and available tn Oakland.. It Is In the lake district, Id; an environment of palatial homes', within one block of the Bankers' Hotel, which Is to cost 13,000,-000, and only five minutes' walk trom the business center of this city. Five Stories High The building will be five stories in height and have a - western and south- era exposure on main thoroughfares, and will have the radiance of the sun to en7 Five-a-oom cottage on Prince near Col lege: cost, $2,250; owner, J. F. Mllroy. Two-story. 12 -room flaw on Derby near College; ' cost, $4,500; : owner, Mrs. R. L. Hudson. ..Two-story 6-room addition at 2317 San Pablo; cost. : $3R0; owner, D. E. Wilson. Four-room garage on Oxford near Hearst; cost. $S00; owner, - Clark Burn-ham. ' Cottage on Adeline near 'Ashby cost, $1,500; owner, G. Mollar. Two-story 7-room dwelling on Euclid near HUlcrest; cost, $4,000; owner, M. C. Jsanes. f . -Two-room cottage on Cedar nea- Stan-age; cost, $100: owner. Joseph Reich. Church building for St. Mark's parish, cn Russell and Claremont: cost, $1,500. One-story 6-room cottage at 1714 Stuart; cost. $1,800; owner. Mrs. Thomas. Two cottages, 4 and- rooms, at" Tyler and California: cost. 1.60 and $1,725; owner, M. A. ; Knickerbocker. liven and warm It on all sides. . It will contain 300 rooms, and Ihese will be divided Into seventy-five, apartments, A suite will consist in the main of six rooms and with each suite there will be a bath. "The ' plumbing . in the Peralta Apartments is to be a revelation in -novelty, superiority of design, execution and efficiency for the performance of its function.. ST. ; Each fteAiisekeeping aparttnent will have a dumb waiter of its own; This will dispense with the necessity of the occupant lumbering to quarters with a load of purchases and prevent the tradesmen from chattering through halls with the wares he has disposed of. This dumb waiter "JWM ply between the suite to which it belongs and the basement. Tn the latter place It will be loaded by 'he tradesman, . who will ' push ah electric button. ! The waiter will then ascend to its own apartment and automatically ring a bell announcing Its arrival. 1 to Have Elevators ' Each suite will have a private telephone for its own use, all of the phones being connected with a house exchange. There will be, two electric passenger elevators a fact which will be a guarantee against pa'trons walking, because if one elevator is temporarily out of order the other will be available. . In the basement there will be a billiard . room and a children's room, each D4x35 feet. There will also be an indi vidual storeroom for each of the apart ments for trunks and other articles. Here,, also, will be a large kitchen and twelve individual laundries, ' the heating apparatus,; which will be of. the most: ap proved style, and a power plant for then operation of the elevators and the water supply. . '. The main entrance- to- Peralta Apart ments will be on Thirteenth street. It 'will open into a spacious and highly decorated vestibule, which, in turn, will etoen into a large court, fashioned as a palm garden, containing beautiful speel mens of plant, and tropical life, with beautiful and sweet-scented flowers of the season. . Beautiful Garden The walls of this court will be broken into arches with imposing effect. This cfturt or srarden will be terminated jn ai richly toned glass light on the roof, and on it will , open roojns on the four I upper stories. " '