JAf starves for WEEKS IN BASEMENT! JO AVOID CAPTURE Continued f rom Page 1 free country and be a Tee slay in man. Kuwkawa Iwrt been a ianilnr and liandymiri at the Levitt home hp-KPY . fore Ihe .fanaitese were ordered reception eenlery. When lie His-I con-1 i,ppr:irrrl cu ly in Mav. Levitt was worried, hebevnip' the Jaremosp ! had ioined oihei s of his race and leri ilic iilv without advanre notice Karly today. Levitt s' son, Aaron, in'" "1' , Kon.kaw na lariumir nc s.nv Kuiokawa. 'l'"ol. crouchi.,.! ligurc. Th'o .Tap- " emanated mid exhausted, '"'""' by pola r. Kuiokawa saul lie lino not i eg:stered for evac-, i lion. 'I came here and I've staved here lever since.' he said. KuioUaua a.s taken to San fYan-head cisco Hosmlal He -was hooked en route to Ihe U S. marshal s ,., ri,.,, ,,i,,.,.' ,, i,,,- t,,,,i. Kore.ii.ilsu into cuslo-l . entered the .,i ih mi i r ,,iit-,,, bee. TIitv ii-porierl ..rear lieiou.s- cljai aclei " on Ft i(Jj(. A venue. The city iifiu-i;i- found Koreinatsu in the eompan.v of the .-Icp-dauSl.lcr of an Italian alien He p'rixluced a diafl i rgisl i ;i ion (a.it which bore the mime of "Clvde Sarah.' they relatefl. and said he was registered with Board No in San , I x'andi o He declared, Ibey said' that he was of Spanish and Hawaiian di'seenl. " ' t Police haii'tiian called I., sh c 1 c ll "i . i r i d wlh .lei rpe Is. th( dralt bo hI no one listed In the nana- of I" Sand. Then a s--io: of o, . -i ".ii-: li 'end was ca'U U in. b'l-i olf.cei s that the outh w a-. i c anrl l..il hi-; paiei.l had led n nursery in K i-t Oakland. ontatMi tueii arltnilled In' alent it y He r, lat, ,1 I, told his lanilh go to Nevada ,'fler w a-- post he moved to fl wdci e he rente 'name ol' Clyde Sa "vl 11 ivim' Iron. ! oh lilnled ihe ,-l K.a. ina. u v ... ' 'he l-S. mi,.:- ""' 1 ' "'' li' I f'. I bi Ihe Cc iy .l,o polni' that he had that he planned to hen Ihe evacuating t Instead, he said i Ki ii it vale d n t net , 1 a i oom under the h He erased hi- dr. ill i. o lb. 1.... Iced hal a,';, He w uid ike