Dr. O.D. Hamlin, Back From The East Thinks All Oakland Citi zens Lack Is 'Boost Germ b v - - hf - ti ll ' X'r W ... B: DR. O. DJ HAMLIN, prominent Oakland physician, who ' has returned from the, East, where he visited some of the largest hospitals. 1 Dr. O. D.. Hamlin, division surgeon of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and chief surgeon of thejcounty Receiving Hospital, returned from the East last evening afteT- an. extended tour of all the principal hospitals. Dr. Hamlin enjoyed a much-needed rest, while at the same time he studied hard i- . i' at some of the hospitals. ' Several months ago Dr. Hamlin was appointed division surgeon hf the Southern Pacific Company, hoping that the work of that corporation would not take up too much j of his time. It transpires,, however, that there is a great deal of labor attached to the railroad oft)ce, an! as a result Dr. Hamlin is contemplating: pre-sentlng his resighatton- Besides belfag chief surgeon of the County. Receiving' Hospital, Dr. Hamlin has a very large private practice, which, taking his many operations IritOj consideratlo.n,. requires almost his constant attention. At i Medical Convention When Dr. Hamlin left Oakland "he ' was. accompanied (by Dr. George. D. Reinle. Together they went -directly toj (jihicago, and "thence, to Baltimore, where they spent considerable time at Johns Hopkins University, having a splendid opportunity to witness many surgical cases. Theuce ' to. Atlantic City, -where Dr. Hamlin presented his credentials as delegate from the State of California to the. American Medical Association. He remained in Atlantic City during the convention, taking part In the proceedings From there Dr. Hamlin went to New York.'ljPhiladelphia. Washington, Boston, Montreal and ; many other large cities! He returned oyer the Canadian Pacific, stopping at Seattle to visit the ' fair. Lack of Confidence 'T have returned to Oakland and California very enthusiastic regarding the 'prospect of inly own State and county,' said Dr. Hamlin this morning. "In j this dounty we! possess a great clinhate; we have a great soil that can produce almost-anything, and we-have a great people, but it is sad lorelate that we lack just one thing, confidence in ourselves, and the spirit of unaniniously boosting for, our selves, j "Coming! from Seattle, as I have, I can see this sm -it lacking in our community. When you I Wo -into the city of Seattle, it would seiem1' that everj man, woman and child points of their city $ anxious to show, you tiie iytteret. They want t.-j show jft to the very best Advant age. Theyjjmake you fee"at hom. They point out tb .you the possibilities j-of the section. Tfee'y. want to try to get you to invest you; jrhoney in their conimunity. Oakland Should Boost "In Alamfda County, you will find every condition that goes to make aVommunitv prosperous.; So It seems to me that our people do, not take advantage of these things. They do not seem to have the boosting spirit in Oakland as you find in Seattle. We have many things In this county that you cannot find In Seattle, j. yet It seems to me that we do not - make the best of our advantages. "In Seattle they are tearing down the hills to' nia.ke boulevards and good roads. They are going to re-bond themselves again in order to ', Secure funds to ' build up the community, j These things struck me very forcibly when I was in the fair city of the north, and I could not help reflecting back to recent days when the Board of Supervisors of Alameda county were severely criticized for building the foothill boulevard, one of the greatest scenic roads of the country; the road;' that has brought fame to Alameda county, you might say all over the world. ' . Good Roads Needed "After traveling around, It seems, to me tl!at the people of Alameda' county cannot , spend too much money on good roads. They are the life ' of a commu nity. The County of Alameda, should bond itself for not less than a million dollars, to begin with, to Improve Its roads, to build new boulevards, and to I take advantage of all the good things ! that nature has given usi "I do not want , It to. be understood' that I am finding fault with or criticising the public officials. The fault, in my opinion, does not He with them. The lack of the boosting spirit and the taking advantage of our natural situations stems to be lacking. I believe the future of the whole racific coast is brighter than n:iy other part of the United States. It is hound to come to the whole coast, but the quicker the people takeadvan-t age of the natural locations, the quicker tliis great progress that awaits them will come to each community. Spend More Money "Alameda county is right, and its officials are all right, but 'the people must not be afraid to! spend some money. You cannot get the goods unless you spend the money. You cannot havt good roads, fine parks and the progressive spirit unless you spend the money and show the people what they can get by being progressive ii in voting bonds to help themselves. A little a hlition to an individual's taxes aOiojinta to . practically nothing when thtf aflvantare to him will be a tenfold increase In his property. let us have gooj roads, good working spirit, and lotus all get together, andwork to make this the greatest c ity in ; the' West. GUILTY OR" MANSLAUGHTER. SAX DIEGO.' June 29. Guilty of manslaughter was t!e 'verdict returned late last night' in the iase. of Earl Hopkins, charged with causing the death of Thomas Williamson last April by striking the latter, with his his fist. Hopkins was recommended to tlje 'mercy of the court. . ' PRESIDENT ON TOUR. ' ;LOXtOX. Jurie 2. itafael Keyes, the President of Colombia, who arrived in London yesterday, wHl make but a brief stay here. He is going to Paris to visit relatives, and after a tour of the continent will return to Colombia and resume the presidency. Many of our citizens are drifting towards Brisrht's disease by neglecting svmptoms of kidney and bladder trouble which Foley's Kidney Remedy will quickly cure. Sold bv Wishart's Drug Store, corner Tenth and Washington streets.