Announcement has Just been made to tho effect that the Claremont theater, t "Fifty-first atreet and Telegraph . avenue, haa undergone a change in ownership and management and io now under the control of 8am Perlin,- who recently purchased , and remodeled the Strand theater .with such good taste and success. " " ' - ' . He will proceed Immediately to completely remodel and redecorate th Claremont, both Inside and out. A large and beautiful marquee such a are seen on many of the large" San Francisco theaters, has been ordered for the Clarenjont, awd when work on this is completed, will absolutely Chang the appearance of the ex-terlor and make the Claremont a wonderful "asset to the already large business) district In .Us immediate vicinity. Two of the newest type projection machines haver already been Installed, and a new pipe organ is now-.UDder construction for this theater. , ,'4' ' '."""":-' - - PerUn Is to- be oomplinjented on his entorpris In 'taking over two theaters, both badly In need of remodeling and, having thus far completed to the entire satisfaction of It patronon- f-4hera..- and .. bidding fair to outdo himself on this the second of his venture in rebuilding picture houses.