J . ! j rlHartman. C. E. Scott. R. E. Veall and 1 a pres- address, Kev. j. Koisrer, centennial Church. Oakland; tenor solo. Mac-MacBride, of TO A BISHOP. HAMILTON TO PREACH THE SERMON AT GRACE M. E. CHURCH. The new Grace Methodist Episcopal Church Is to be dedicated tomorrow, This new church has just been com- pleted at Thirty-fourth and ' Market streets. It Is a frame structure 45 x 45 feet, with chapel 64 x 24 feeL The interior Is Douglas fir In Oak finish, with mahogany trimmings. The pews, of Eastern manufacture, are quarter sawed oak, arranged in a semi-circle. The windows are beaded opalescent glass made by Hooper & Dambrink of this city. The seating capacity Is about three hundred- This church Is a splendid achievement and reflects credit upon the pas tor, the Rev. Ausley B. Blades, and his ai;hf, r tr,,.t. r,r,tinu- A. Hutchinson. presldenL E. N. L J. JenkinS. An account of this new enterprise ; would be Incomplete without mailon , of the contractor, W. C. Constable, of Oakland, whose close figuring and first class workmanship are to be commended. Bishop Hamilton is to preach the dedicatory sermon tomorrow monw?. The following: program will be rendered at the services when the public . is Invited to come and see what Is perhaps the finest of the smaller churches of Oakland: MORNING SERVICE, 11 A- M. Voluntary, violin solo, Miss Viola Furth; hymn; Apostles' Creed; pray- ... er; responsive Scripture, page 9 of the Psalter; the Gloria Patrla; New Testament Lesson; announcements: offertory, alto solo and quartet, "Blessed Be the Lord God," Sudds; hymn 663; sermon, Bishop John W. Hamilton. LL. D.: Poxology and benediction. AFTERNOON SERVICE, 3 P. M. Rev. John Coyle, D. D., presiding. Hymn 666; address. Rev. C. K. Jen-ness. Trinity Church. Berkeley: solo. "The Song of Faith." Metcalf. Miss Mamie Sutherland; address, Rev. Wll-sie Martin. First Cuhrch, Alameda : quartet, "Great is Thy Love," Bohm: Emmanuel." Rodney, Anson B- Weeks; hymn 210; Benediction. Quartet Soprano, Mis Mabel Nor-thrup-Osler; contralto. Miss, Blanche Winks; tenor, Anson B. Weeks; basa. Albert B. Anderson. EVENING SERVICE, 7:30 P. M. . Bishop Hamilton, presiding. Quartet. "Hark, Hark. My Soul," Sudds; hymn 664; prayer; duet. "O Divine Redeemer, Gounod, Miss Mabel Nor-thrup-Osler and Miss Blanche Winks: Scripture lesson, 2 Chrlnlcles 6:12-33, 40-42; announcements: offertory, quartette, "Like as a Father." Lansing; sermon. Rev. Elbert R. Dille, I). D.; presentation of the Church- for dedication; Benediction. To readi Grace Church take drove street cars to Thirty-fourth street and walk two block to the west, or take San Pablo cars to Thirty-fourth street and walk one block to t her east. DEDICATE